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Kylie Bray (Love, Hate and Billions) novel Chapter 49

I stand here and look at Vincent, his entire body covered in blood splatters.

I don't cry, or frown or say anything about what I am seeing. I press my lips together, look at him from his head to shoes and up again.

“Are you done, I want to go home.” I say to him.

His eyes still stuck on the man, before finally planting itself on me.

With his blood splattered face and cold hard gaze, I see the killer, I see it in his eyes.


He walks past me leaving me to look at the now dead rapist. I don't even recognize his face any longer.

Some small part of me, very small understands that I am now an accomplice to this man's death. I just don't care.

Shaking my head I walk out of this place.

It is another thirty minutes before Vincent joins me in the car and we finally get to leave.

He is wearing a new shirt, his hands now washed, face clean. I wonder how much blood is soaked in those hands of his.

“Have you decided about the dress,” the question confuses me.

There he just tortured a man to death and he is asking me about a dress.

“No, I haven't. I did decide that it's time I went home,” I tell him.

Actually I haven't thought about it, but I do have my own place and I should go home.

I need to get back to University, finish my degree.

“Not yet. I want to come with you, I still have some business to attend to this side first.”

“I wasn't asking for permission, I am not your prisoner.”

“And it isn't up for discussion. When I say we ready to leave, we leave.”

His words are meant to keep me quiet. I hear him talking to his soldiers that way, but it doesn't do a thing to me.

He can't hurt me more than I’ve already been hurt.

“I hate you,” I say softly, but loud enough that he hears it.

“So you keep saying.” We're quiet for a few minutes when I think of what he did for me today.


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