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Leap OF Fate novel Chapter 26

The Rain International Building looked very imposing. Its 80 floors towered over Hyacinth Bay’s Central Business District. Serene recalled that she looked at this same building with excitement and enthusiasm after she had graduated. On her first day of work, she felt nothing but pride when her high-heeled feet first set on its premise.

How ironic, now here she is, craning her neck as she tries to look at the skyscraper’s expanse. She no longer felt the same amount of excitement, pride and elation she felt almost three years ago. The feeling of dread now replaced those emotions. She dreaded to see those three men.

Taking a deep breath, Serene lifted her foot and entered the building. She approached the lobby receptionist, whom she no longer recognized. She informed her of her name and purpose; the receptionist gave her her ID pass.

She’s scheduled to meet with the CFO in the conference room for a product introduction and data gathering. The conference room is on the top floor. She pressed 80 on the elevator and waited for it to ascend.

As the elevator moved up, Serene’s heart also moved erratically in her chest. She clutched her bag tightly to help divert her attention. This is her first presentation for a large enterprise. The task is already daunting. However, knowing that she had to be on the 80th floor added to her stress. Justin’s office was on the 80th floor.

I hope he’s super busy today, or he’s on a business trip. Serene repeated this in her head like a chant. When the elevator finally opened to the 80th floor, her heart was already beating on her neck and her hands clammy from perspiration.

She informed the floor’s receptionist of her purpose. She then ushered her to the conference room. The conference room was still empty. Inwardly, Serene uttered a thanks. This gives her a small time to gather her composure and prepare her presentation.

At exactly 10:00 in the morning, the conference door opened and a man in his 40s stepped in. He was tall, his physique on the slim side, he wore black square-framed glasses. Two men accompanied him. Both seemed to be in their late 20s or early 30s. Both wore long-sleeved collared shirts and ties. Both had the same body build as the older man, but the younger men did not wear eyeglasses.

“Ms. Ellis?” The bespectacled man spoke. He smiled at her and extended his right hand. “Arthur Flynn.”

“Hello Mr. Flynn. I’m Serene Ellis from Lewis Technologies. Nice to meet you,” he took his offered hand and gave it a firm shake.

“These are my accounting staff. Richard Johann and Leonard Wood”

Each of them extended their hands for a handshake which Serene accepted and returned.

The young man with a blue tie was Richard, who wanted to be addressed as “Rich”, while the other one who wore a black tie was Leonard, who requested to be called as “Leo”.

They took their seats across from hers. The younger men sat on each of Arthur’s sides. After they had taken care of the formalities, Serene opened her laptop and prepared to start her presentation. Just as she was about to open her mouth to start her product introduction, the conference room door opened.

Serene’s calm heart once again beat wildly in her chest. Her eyes rounded in surprise. “I apologize for coming late.” Justin spoke, clearly addressing everyone in the room. He glanced at her and sat at the head of the conference table. “Please continue, Ms. Ellis.”


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