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Leap OF Fate novel Chapter 8

If there was any blessing she can consider in her life now, it was her new job. She poured all her energy in her job that she would go home completely exhausted and would immediately fall asleep as soon as her back touched the bed. Exhausted, she had no time to think about anything, much more to feel about anything. She switched phone numbers and did not let her friends know about what happened, not even Mary. The pain she has was too much. She did not want to interact with anybody. Disconnecting from everyone saved her from having to tell another soul what happened that day, something she did not have energy for. Her heart felt so much pain and recalling the events will just reopen her wounds. 

A new lease of life is what she wanted. Devoid of any pain or memories that will remind her of the pain. She wanted a life not tainted with all the pain that he brought. 

“Bitch!” a familiar voice floated to her ears one day as soon as she set her foot in her apartment’s entrance. That voice, despite the anger in them, for her felt like home. Serene looked at Mary as she angrily stomped her feet to approach her. “Why can’t I reach you? Did you change your number, or did you block me? I had to ask your Mom where you are right now. Who am I to you, huh? Am I still your best friend?” She berated her. Mary seldom cried, but this time she was crying out of anger and frustration. 

Serene just hugged Mary. For the first time in a long time, she felt warm. She hugged her tightly and just quietly sobbed all her pains on her shoulder.

“You stupid girl! Why did you cut me off?” she nagged her, but she rubbed her back like one would to coax a child. The more Mary nagged, the more Serene felt aggrieved, and she cried some more. All the emotions that she held back in the past months were like a broken dam. In a short while, they were getting attention from people who were passing by the apartment’s lobby. “Let’s go up your unit,” Mary urged Serene. 

Mary almost did not recognize Serene’s apartment. Her friend, who was a neat freak, now had a sloppy home. She cannot believe that the immaculate apartment she used to visit and the one she’s in now we’re the same. 

Dirty dishes piled up in the kitchen which was her sanctuary. The trashcan overflowed with rubbish. Her stove top was very oily. Her living room was the same. It was a total disarray. There were empty food packets on the table and on the floor. Mary could see food stains on her couch and carpet. There was even an unfinished pizza left on the couch’s armrest. 

Mary went to the bedroom and saw the same level of mess. There were clothes on the floor and on the chair. She cannot identify if these were clean or not. At the corner of the room, Mary spotted several empty wine bottles. She just let out a deep sigh and shook her head. She painfully looked at her best friend. 

She can hardly recognize her. She was thinner than usual, but not in a good way. Her skin looked dry, the dark circles around her eyes looked like indelible ink. Her hair was a mess. She was a mess. Her heart tightened looking at her friend’s condition. 

“I’m sorry,” Mary said. “I did not find you earlier. I just learned about what happened a week ago. I was trying to reach out to you, but I cannot get through you.” She looked at Serene painfully. “I should not have introduced that douchebag to you,” she added. 

Serene just smiled with a smile that did not reach the eyes. They both sat at the edge of the bed. Serene’s head rested on Mary’s shoulder. The latter gently caressed her friend’s hair. After wordlessly sitting side by side for some time, Serene stood up and cleaned up. One by one she picked up the clothes that were on the floor, neatly folded them before placing them in the designated laundry basket.


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