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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 119

Chapter 119, she thinks he’s crazy 

Press the inside line, “Call Alva over.” 

“Okay, Ambrose.” 

Soon, Alva came over. 

“Ambrose. ” 

Ambrose got up, “Sit.” 

Alva sat down on the sofa and Ambrose sat down. 

“I just thought about how to integrate jewelry into this new brand.” 

“Do you have any ideas?” 

Alva frowned, “Ambrose, time is tight, and as far as I know, AK’s designers are all fashion designers, no jewelry designers.” 

This is completely impossible. 

Ambrose nodded, “I know this problem, so I decided to hire a jewelry designer right away.” 

Alva thought for a moment and said, “Recruiting designers immediately will only be stable after at least three months. There are many uncertainties. When they stabilize, we may not be able to get along well with our new brand launch this time. If we don’t get along well, our new product launch will easily fail. 

Chapter 119, she thinks he’s crazy 

“So, the idea is risky.” 

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Not to mention other things, she was afraid that she would smash the AK sign if she didn’t do it well. 

The gain is not worth the loss. 

Ambrose curled his lips, all she thought was what he had thought. 

“So, my idea is to give priority to clothing and supplement it with jewelry.” 

“If you are not satisfied with the jewelry, you can not use it, but the clothing must be done well. Of course, I hope you can challenge yourself.” 


Alva looked at Ambrose in disbelief. “Ambrose, did you just say… me?” 

“Yes, I want you to design jewelry while designing clothes.” 

He had a hunch that she could do it. 

Alva thought Ambrose was crazy, but looking into his trusting eyes, she suddenly felt that she could try. 

“Okay, I’ll give it a try.” 

Not long after Alva left the CEO’s office, Jason was called in. 

In the afternoon, the design department had a meeting. 

It’s about designing jewelry, and everyone has no light on their faces. 

Chapter 119, she thinks he’s crazy 

Because everyone thinks it’s impossible. 

Jason’s words are to let everyone try, not reluctantly. 

This is also what Ambrose means. 

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Everyone went back to the design department, wailing one by one, but Alva was busier. 

She wants to challenge herself. 

Do everything you can. 


If she did it, she was happy, and if she didn’t, she wouldn’t regret it. 

She will keep trying. 

In the evening, as soon as it was time to get off work, Alva’s phone rang. 

She hadn’t finished her work yet, so she took the phone and picked it up without looking at the screen, “Hello, who is it?” 

“Guess who I am.” 

A familiar voice came, Alva’s eyelashes blinked, and her busy mind finally stopped, “Jackson?” 

She looked at her phone, it wasn’t Jackson. 

Jackson laughed, “I’m so sad that you forgot about me after only one day, Alva.” 

Alva rubbed her eyebrows and bent her lips helplessly, “Sorry, I was busy just now and didn’t look at the screen.” 

He gave a long sigh and said, “I have a wish now.” 

“What wish?” 

“Become your work.” 


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