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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 140

Chapter 140: Alva, I want a child 

After calling Callahan, Alva opened her laptop and got busy. 

Not long after she opened her laptop, there was a knock on the door. 

Jackson is back? 

Alva, looking at the time, it’s only been twenty minutes since Jackson left. So fast? 

She opened the door, and the person standing at the door immediately raised the camera and pressed the shutter on her. 

Click click- 

The light flashed across Alva’s eyes, and she subconsciously raised her hand to block it. 

But she quickly reacted and said to the stranger, “What are you doing?” 

The reporter saw her looking at him, holding the camera and running, like a rabbit, and disappeared in a flash 

Alva frowned. 

Was it because of the interview outside the ward that day, so now reporters have started taking pictures of her secretly? 

Alva closed the door and looked at the time. Jackson would be back soon. She asked him. 

Jackson said half an hour was half an hour, and soon he knocked on the door 


This time, instead of opening the door immediately, Alva asked, “Who?” 

“Alva, it’s me.” 

The voice of Jackson. 

Alva breathed a sigh of relief and opened the door. 

Jackson came in and looked at her with a smile. “Why, so careful?” 

Alva was helpless. “No way, not long after you left, a reporter came to secretly take pictures of me.” 

Jackson frowned. “Reporter?” 

“Well, I thought it was you at first, but I didn’t expect the reporter to slap at me when I opened the door.” 

Jackson thought for a moment and said, “I guess it’s because I held a press conference.” 

Alva was stunned, “Press conference?” 

He didn’t tell her. 

“Well, just now. I held a press conference upstairs and told them that we will get engaged on the ninth day of next month and get married on Valentine’s Day next year.” 

Alva clenched her heart, “Why did it suddenly change?” 

And you haven’t told her yet. 

“Nothing has changed, it’s still the ninth day of next month, but the wedding time has been postponed.” 

Jackson took her hand and looked at her, “Alva, don’t you want to get 


married too late?” Alva shook her head. 

It wasn’t that she didn’t want to get married too late, but such a sudden change she didn’t know why. 

Like it was unnecessary. 

Who did it on purpose to see. 

Tight in her heart, she looked at Jackson. “Did you do it on purpose?” 

Do it on purpose to show Uriah. 

“Well, he won’t know that we got the certificate, he will only know that we are engaged. In his eyes, as long as you are not married, he will not make things difficult for you.” 

“Alva, we have a lot to do this year.” 

Jackson meant something. 

Alva looked at him and her heart skipped a beat. “What’s the matter?” 

“Do you want children?” 

“Alva, I want a baby.” 

“Belongs to our children.” 

Soon the news that Jackson was getting engaged and married dominated the front page of every hot search Toutiao. 

But not long after, he was overwhelmed by a message. 

Heyday Group president Uriah and ex-wife appear at the same hotel in H City at the same time! 

Alva and Jackson talked, and the two packed up for lunch. 


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