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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 191

Chapter 191, Do You Have Wine? 

“Mom, as long as you know that Alva is your wife now, don’t worry about anything else.” 

Ile is her son, how can she not care? 


“Also, don’t call Alva. No matter what you see or hear, don’t go to her. 

If there is anything, you can find me.” 

Flora tightened her eyebrows. 

He said it like something was going to happen. 

“Jackson, tell Mom what happened. Mom will help you solve it together.” 

“It’s nothing, she’s a good designer and very busy. I don’t want to affect her because of emotional matters.” 


“Mom, I’ll be back on the eighth day of the new year, and I’ll contact you then.” 

“No, Jackson… Dudu…” 

Jackson hung up the phone. 

Flora looked at the darkened screen, her heart was blocked like a stone, and she was very worried. 

But thinking of Jackson’s words, she still didn’t call Alva. 


She believes in her son. 

Believe that he can do everything. 

Jackson got into the car and said to Kelly. “I’m going back to Kyoto on the eighth day of the new year. I’ll stay in Kyoto for two days. During these two days, don’t come to me for work. 

“Yes, I will arrange it.” 


Jackson looked out the window, his eyes narrowed. 

The street lights outside the window passed through his eyes, but they couldn’t penetrate his eyes. 

Alva got a call from Frank at noon. 

“Alva, what are you doing?” 

A happy voice came, and Alva bent her lips, “What do you think?” 

“I guess you must be busy.” 


“Hey, workaholic, come down, I’ll take you to see the house.” 

Alva was surprised, “You came to Paris?” 


She is here alone, and her English is not good. If he doesn’t come, how can she do it? 

capter 141. 

Alva looked at the time, it was time for lunch. 

“You came to the company?” 

“Yes, it’s downstairs. Come down quickly and let’s get things done at 


“Okay, I’ll come down right away” 

Alva packed her things, took her bag, and went downstairs. 

Frank was waiting for her in the hall, and as soon as the elevator door opened, he saw her. 

Walk over and open your arms 

Alva hugged him and said with a smile. “When did you arrive?” 

Frank looked at the time. “An hour ago. 

“Okay, let you worry about my business.” 

Frank blinked. “So it’s time for you to invite me to dinner.” 

“No problem, how about I invite you tonight?” 

“Yes, but this time I have a request.” 

Hearing his request, Alva laughed. “Okay, as long as I can do it, I will agree.” 

“So refreshing?” 

“Of course.” 

She was grateful that he helped her so much. 

“I want to eat what you made yourself.” 


Alva’s eyebrows curved, “As long as you don’t dislike it.” 

The two said, got in the car and went to see the house. 

On the way Frank told her the general situation of the house, Alva listened and nodded. 

Soon the two arrived at the apartment building. 

Frank took out the key and led Alva in. 

“The owner of this apartment is a America. Because he has returned to United States, this house is empty. It has two bedrooms and one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom. It may be a bit big for you, but the rent is not high, and it is the same as the price of a single room. Very cost-eflective.” 

Alva looked at Frank. “Not a bargain.” 

This house is not badly decorated, with high-grade gray tones and expensive furniture. At first glance, it is not an ordinary person’s 


But the price was less than 5,000. According to what she knew, the house could be rented for 10,000 a month. 

Alva smiled. “Isn’t this your house?” 

Then I found an excuse to rent it to her cheaply. 


“If it was my house, I would definitely tell you directly and make you owe me a favor.” 

Well, she couldn’t refute this reason. 

“But why is it so cheap?” 

Frank raised his index finger. “First of all, the owner of this apartment is not short of money, and secondly, he has requirements for renting this house, and ordinary people cannot rent it.” 

Alva, “What request?” 

“Monthly salary above 50.000, white-collar occupation, female, single.” 

Alva didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, “What’s the request?” 

She has never met such a request to rent a house. 

Frank spread his hands. “I don’t know either, but this is indeed the landlord’s request. I also gave your information to the other party, and the other party gave me the key and showed you the house. Otherwise. you really don’t want to rent such a good house.” 

Alva nodded. 

She probably understood that this house is not bad, and the owner is not short of money. If he wants to rent it, he must rent someone who can cherish his house, not the destructive one. 

“Okay, I’ll rent it, when will the contract be signed?” 

“You think you can sign it today, and…” 


“I brought the contract.” 

The house was settled and Alva went back to the hotel. 

Before returning to the hotel, she called Jason and asked him for leave. 

She has to move and clean up, which will take time. 

Jason agreed. 

Frank went back to the hotel with her. 

When the hotel door opened, candy ran over, hugged Alva’s feet, and didn’t leave. 

Frank saw the sticky bulldog and opened his eyes, “Oh! God, when did you get a dog!” 

Simply shocked. 

Hearing his voice, candy looked up at him, and then barked fiercely. 

The dog that was obedient one moment changed the next. 

Frank blackface, “Differential treatment.” 

Alva smiled, “Candy, this is my boss, you can’t bite him, if you bite him, I have no money, and if you don’t have money, you have nothing to cat.” 

Candy heard her words and whined, as if dissatisfied with this. 


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