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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 224

Chapter 224: Getting Ready 

Bella sat in the trailer, leaning back, resting. 

Calliope comes up and sits next to her. 

Bella opened her eyes and looked at her. 

Calliope handed her the file bag in his hand. “This is what the private investigator found in the last few days. Look at it.” 

Bella takes it and tries to open the file bag, but Calliope holds her 


She looked at her. 

“Bella, you better prepare yourself.” 

Bella’s fingers tightened, her lips curling with a smile. “What do you think is more than Uriah not loving me?” 

What could be harder to swallow than this? 

Calliope leaves the RV, leaving room for Bella. 

Bella opened the file and took out the files. 

Half an hour later, the files were scattered on the floor. 

Bella looked ahead, smiling in her eyes and face. 

However, a tear slipped from her eyes. 

Alva works at AK. 


I can’t believe she works at AK. 

And now she knows… 

Calliope didn’t leave the car. She just stood outside, looking at the closed doors. 

I stood outside for almost an hour, but nothing happened inside. 

She could not resist knocking on the door. 

Just then. her cell phone rang. 

Calliope pulls out her phone and sees the name on the screen. Surprised, she looks at the closed car door, clicks the answer button and says. “Bella.” 

“Book me back to H City as soon as possible.” 

“This is… Doo-doo-doo…” 

Alva’s door was knocked early in the morning. 

She looked through the peephole, saw Ambrose, and opened the door. 


Ambrose looked at her. “I’ll be back in Paris in a minute. I’ll tell you what happens next.” 

“Good,” said Hermione. 

Alva stood at the door, waiting for him to say. 

Ambrose’s eyes lit up with a smile. “Can I talk outside?” 

Alva started and responded, “Ambrose, come in.” 

Ambrose go in. 

Alva immediately cleaned up the paper on the sofa and said, “Ambrose, I’m a bit of a mess. 

And picked up the crumpled scraps on the floor. 

Ambrose said, “It’s okay. I’ll just leave.” 

From the looks of it, she must have been busy late last night again. 

Alva quickly cleaned up the scraps on the floor and went to make Ambrose a cup of coffee. 

Ambrose took a sip and said, “Send me the accessories when you design them, not Jason.” 


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