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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 251

Chapter 251 Don’t Do it, get out 

Alva didn’t move 

Uriah said nothing more 

There are different factors flowing through the air 

Alva went over and stood in front of him. 

Uriah’s folded legs loosened and he fell to the ground, his bathrobe opening a little with his movements, revealing his chest abs and two well-proportioned thighs. 

His eyelids half fell, he shook the soot, and “kneel down.” 

Alva’s body is stiff. 

Uriah finally looked up at her. “Not negotiations? When you do, Esme sends it back.” 

His voice was cold and cold, as if he had never been cold before. 

Nothing has changed 

Alva clenched her fingers and looked at him with a smile in her eyes. “Don’t you think I’m dirty?” 

Uriah’s eyes fell on her lips. “Jackson didn’t use this.” 

Alva’s face was white. 

For a moment she felt that the man sitting in front of her was not Uriah, but a demon. 

Chapter 251 Dont Do 1, per out 

A demon without blood, without flesh, without heart. 


“If not, get out.” 

Alva’s mouth pulled, trying to make himself pull out a smile. “You do this, your fiancee know?” 

Uriah squinted at her. the black of his eyes tinged with white smoke. and everything seemed unreal 

Alva looked into those eyes and her heart cried. 

Uriah. don’t you love Bella? 

You love Bella and you do this with another woman. What kind of 

love is that? 

Or is it in your Uriah’s eyes that love is the heart, not the body? 

When her cell phone rings. Alva stiffens and pulls out her phone. 

Jackson’s on the phone. 

Her heart ached. 

There he is. 

He didn’t see her and was worried. 


Uriah looked at the pain in Alva’s eyes and put out the cigarette. “Three seconds, do it, kneel down, don’t do it, get out.” 

Alva nails into the palm in a flash. 

“That’s not a fan deal.” 

Cold eves peered at her. “There is no justice in my Uriah.” 

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Her nails were inched into her flesh, but Alva felt no pain. 

Because some of the pain is bigger than this. 

She looked down at Uriah’s 90-degree vertical legs, closed her eyes, and knelt slowly 

Jackson finally got Alva on the phone. 

But. “Sorry, the number you dialed is not answering at the moment…” 

No one answered. Why? 

Alva, did something happen to you? 

Jackson ran faster, knocking on every room on every floor. 

Finally, he came to Uriah’s floor. 

He ran around the corner and stopped. 

In front of him stood four people, the first person is York, followed by two black suit bodyguards, and in front of him stood a reporter 

wearing a cap, holding a camera. 

The reporter is giving him the camera. 


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