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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 283

Chapter 283: She Is Not Afraid 

“Did Bella retire from showbiz because Alva got in the way of her relationship with Boss Irwin?” 

Alva clutched the phone. 

Bella retires from showbiz… 

She clicked on the headline. It was July 21 

That was yesterday. 

Look down and soon a picture comes out. 

In the photo, Bella is surrounded by reporters. 

She wore dark glasses and a hat, and could not see the expression on her face, but you could see from her tight red lips that she was not in a good mood 

She had an assistant with her, and she was watching over her. 

Behind her were bodyguards, holding back the journalists who swarmed toward her. 

The picture freezes at this moment. 

Alva looks at the person in the photo, slides down after a few seconds, and reads the text below. 

After five minutes, she closed the page and looked ahead into the void. 

Bella did retire. 

Chapter 281 

But it’s temporary 

How long? It doesn’t say 

But Alva knew that Bella’s time away was a stress 

She’s oppressing her 

With the power of public opinion 

The power of fans. 

That’s why Jackson was always there for her. 

Alva curled her fingers. 

At the same time, a firmness rose in her eyes. 

Whatever Bella wants to do with her, fan power or her own. 

She’s not afraid. 

Alva took the materials and the plan and went to Ambrose’s office, and Ambrose looked at her plan and nodded, “You go back to the United States, and let me know if you have anything” 

Going back to America was inevitable. 

As a designer, there’s no way she’s not going back to America. 

It’s just that under the circumstances, he’s happy that she’s back in America 

She’s Alva is Alva, no matter what comes her way. 

“All right, Ambrose.” 

Alva took the file and left. 

Chapter 283 She Is Not Afraid 

288 Wouchers 

Ambrose stopped her. “Alva.” 

Alva turned and looked at him. 

“Remember, I’m your boss,” Ambrose says. “Let me know in advance if anything is affecting your work.” 

“Good,” said Hermione. 

What he meant to say was that he was her friend. 

But now, for her part, she’s not willing to accept the name. 

In that case, that’s the top and bottom. 

Superiors and subordinates are also an irreplaceable relationship. 

Alva went back to her office and booked a flight back to the United States. 

After booking the plane ticket, she packed up and went home. 

Jackson was still packing up at the apartment, and Alva didn’t see him when she got home. 

It’s just as well I didn’t see him. 

She didn’t want him to follow her back and spend the rest of his life with her. 

Alva packs her bags, watches the time, and leaves with her suitcase. 

candy ran after her and wouldn’t let her go. 

Barking and barking. 

Alva put down her luggage, knelt down and hugged her, and said softly, “Master, I’m going on a business trip again this time, but don’t 

Chapte 281 She is Not Afraid 

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worry, I’ll be back soon.” 

“You’ve been in the house all this time, with the master, good boy, eh?” 

“Woof woof! 

candy cried, holding her and pushing her into her arms. 

Alva laughed. 

Always clingy to her, like a child. 


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