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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 300

Chapter 300: He struck, and no one could resist 

Ambrose had just got home when his phone rang. 

Threw the keys on the shoe closet, picked up the phone, looked at the screen, answered, “Alva.” 

“Ambrose, the police helped me get my notebook back.” 

Ambrose stopped changing his shoes. 

Alva’s voice continued, “The police said they had received a report from the public, and that’s how they arrested the person. I asked the people who were arrested, they were youths, and they said they hadn’t seen my computer.” 

“But I don’t trust them, and I feel like they’re being directed.” 

She had no proof. 

Now, she doesn’t know what to do. 

Believe them or not. 

So, she made this call to Ambrose. 

When Ambrose heard Alva’s words, he looked ahead and smiled. 

I can’t tell you what that means. 

I didn’t think of it, I thought of it. 

‘What did the police say? 

“The police said they checked the time, where they went, what they 

said, and they didn’t think they touched the computer because they both had elementary school degrees.” 

You can’t crack a computer code with an elementary school degree. 

“That should be right. I cancel the press conference.” 

He said it directly. 

Alva frowned. “Ambrose.” 

‘What’s the matter? 

“I… I’m not sure.” 

Ambrose listened to the unease in her voice, so different from the firmness of the morning, with bent lips. 

“What’s the matter? Don’t trust the police?” 

“No, I trust the police, but it just doesn’t feel right to me.” 

She had her stuff stolen, there was a public report behind her, how fast? 

Or is she really lucky? 

She did not believe in such luck. 

And what they say seems plausible but doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. 

“Alva, believe me, this is the end of it.” 

Ambrose said in a steady voice. 

He believed in Uriah. 

He did it. No one could stand up to him. 


Alva listened to Ambrose’s steady, strong voice for a few seconds and then said. “Okay, I believe you, Ambrose ” 

There was a force in his voice that mutlled her unease 

Alva gets in the car, goes back to the hotel, checks out. 

She’s going back to A city 

There’s so much more for her to do 

Ambrose hung up the phone, put on his slippers, went inside and sat down on the couch. 

Ham ran down, jumped onto the couch and crouched next to him. 

Ambrose touched its head and leaned back on the sofa 

His eyes were open, looking ahead into the void 

Not long after he made that call to Uriah, he canceled tomorrow’s new brand launch 

But he didn’t call Alva 

Something told him he would wait for Alva to call him back 

Sure enough. Alva called him back and told the police that the computer had been recovered. 

And we got a tip from the public. 

People report that 

Hearing this, he wanted to laugh. 

But he couldn’t laugh. 

Someone who’s always been so direct is suddenly so slow 

He didn’t know if it was good or bad. 

It just feels like something’s getting out of control. 

Alva calls Primo on the way back to the hotel. She has no ID and can’t get a ride. 

She wanted to ask him if there was any way he could get to A city without an ID. 

Now she had to go back to A city and get the information for these important papers. 

Or she’s gonna be badly affected. 


“What way?” 

“Buses here require ID cards, but there is one type of bus that does not.” 

“What car?” 

“Combination car.” 


“Yes, the combination bus is similar to A taxi. They specialize in silkworm town and A city. It’s a little more expensive than a bus, but it takes you directly to your door. 

It was Alva’s first time in a car like this. She frowned slightly. “Is it safe?” 


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