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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 328

Chapter 328: What do you think 

Jackson picked up his phone and turned to walk out. 

He looked at his phone screen and answered. 

As soon as the phone connected, Flora’s voice came through. 

“You finally answered the phone, Mom is scared to death!” 

She had that phone call with Jackson yesterday and she hasn’t been able to reach him since. 

No answer at night, no answer at day. 

And now he’s finally answering. 

She was so anxious that she almost sent for him. 

“Flora, I’m fine.” 

“Nothing, you won’t answer the phone?” 

Will it stay off? 

Does he even know he’s worried? 

“The battery is dead.” 

“You don’t charge your phone when it’s dead? Do you know how many times I called you?” 

“Flora is really in a hurry! 

Flora has a lot of anger to vent. 

Chapter 328 

What do you think 

18 289 Wouchers 

Jackson said no more. 

Wait for Flora to say. 

Flora said a lot, all the things she had been holding in all night and all day. 

Flora cries out, “Jackson?” when she finds no sound on her phone. 

“I’m listening.” 

Flora was relieved to hear him respond. 

I realize I just said a lot of things. 

“Jackson, you’re the only son I have. Don’t let anything happen to you.” 

She’s just afraid of what happens, and how will she live the rest of her life? 

“Yeah, I’m fine.” 

He sounded fine, but, “What happened?” 

Then he said, “Your uncle and Bella are getting married. Is that something to do with it?” 

She has known the news. 

But now she didn’t feel happy; on the contrary, she felt uneasy. 

It always feels like it’s not that simple. 

When Jackson’s phone was disconnected, she felt that something was 


Jackson clutched his phone. “Married?” 

Chapter 328: What do you think 

218 Vouchers 

Flora hears Jackson’s voice wrong and wonders, “You don’t know?” 

Jackson frowned slightly and his eyes deepened. “I don’t know.” 

“This is… What have you been doing all day?” 

“The news that Bella and Uriah were getting married broke in the press this morning.” 

There’s no way he didn’t know. 

Jackson put his hands in his pockets and looked ahead. “It doesn’t matter. I don’t care if he gets married or not.” 

By his cold voice, Flora realized something was wrong. 

“Jackson, tell Mom the truth. You and Uriah…” 

Before Flora could finish, Jackson interrupted, “Flora, you don’t have to worry. Just know that Alva and I are not getting divorced. We’re going to be together.” 

Hang up the phone. 

“Ay! Jackson…… Doo-doo-doo…” 

Flora frowns. 


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