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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 351

Chapter 351: This is My wife, Alva 

The driver opened the backseat door, stepped out with straight legs, a black suit, and a powerful man came down. 

As Uriah got out of the car, the men who were following him quickly got out and stopped behind him. 

“Boss Irwin, this is it.” 


Uriah stepped in, and the man behind him hastened forward, made a gesture of invitation, and said as he walked, “Mittal. It’s a lot of work for me, and I wouldn’t be thinking of selling it if it weren’t for the fact that I’m tight on another project.” 

“Boss Irwin would love to see my Mittal villa!” 

Uriah said nothing and walked into the sales office. 

The staff in the sales department saw the person coming in and quickly bent over, “Mr. Green hello!” 

I don’t know Uriah, but I know the head of Mittal. 

Mr.Green said, “Don’t you see Boss Irwin next to me?” 

The employee shouted, “Hello Boss Irwin!” 

The sound of a bright, inside to see a few people look at the real estate. 

Flora’s face changed when she saw Uriah. 

Uriah was involved in real estate, which she knew, so she specifically 


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told her assistant to get rid of Heyday Group’s real estate when she was choosing real estate. 

She looked at the profile to see who the developer was. 

The developer of Mittal is Bowen property. The boss mainly deals in real estate and has developed many real estate projects by him, which is not bad. 

But what’s going on? 

This Bowen property is owned by Beck, but why is this Beck with Uriah? 

Those employees are still named Uriah Boss Irwin… 

It is 

Jackson looked at the man who walked in and took Alva’s hand. 

Alva turned and looked at Flora. “Flora, let’s go somewhere else.” 

Flora reacts and quickly says, “Let’s look somewhere else, somewhere else…” 

She smiled dryly and looked extremely embarrassed. 

She didn’t understand how Uriah could come to the building when it wasn’t Uriah’s, and he was with Beck, like a partner. 

But she had read Mittal. There was only one developer, no partner. 

It made no sense to her. 

But whether she wants to make sense or not, now is not the time to dwell on it. 

Several people came out. 


Uriah stood in the middle of the hall, watching the men coming. 

Beck stood next to Uriah and saw that Uriah looked at some of the men and did not go away, slightly confused. 

“Boss Irwin?” 

Uriah did not respond to him, but continued to look at the men. 

It’s the only way out. There’s no way a few people won’t. 

So he stood there, and looked at them, and Flora had to say hello. 

“Oh, Uriah, what are you doing here?” 

Flora asked with a chuckle, just like before. 

I just look at her smile and it’s awkward. 

Uriah looked at her. “Well, come here.” 

Beck sees Uriah answer Flora, surprised, “This is…” 

Look at Flora. 

Uriah said, “My aunt.” 

Then the eyes fell on Jackson and Alva. 

Finally, resting on Jackson’s face, he said, “My good friend.” 

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Hearing Uriah’s introduction, Beck widened his eyes, “It turns out that she is Boss Irwin’s aunt and best friend. 

He had heard that Uriah had a good friend who was a talented violinist, and it was true! 

He quickly held out his hand, “Hello, I’m Beck, president of Mittal.” 

Flora shook it. “Hello.” 

Beck handed it to Jackson. 

Jackson shook it. “Hello.” 

Then, putting his arm around Alva’s waist, he introduced, “This is my wife, Alva.” 

Uriah just introduced Flora and Jackson, not Alva. 

Beck paid no attention. Now that Jackson was introducing him, Beck reached out and said, “Hello, Mrs. Howard.” 

Alva shook it and said, “Hello.” 

Beck saw several people come out of the room. His eyes moved and he said very quickly, “How many of you are here to buy a house?” 


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