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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 37

Chapter 37 Sick 

As of now, It’s not surprising that Bella and Uriah were getting married soon. 

A familiar voice came from the phone, Bella said cheerfully, “When will you be there?” 

“One hour.” 

Uriah arrived in an hour. 

“Well, everyone is here now, we are just waiting for you.” 

“What makes you so happy?” 

Her voice was filled with uncontrollable joy. 

“You guess.” 

There was silence on the phone. 

Bella listened silently, tightened her fingers and said, “You maybe lose.” 

Uriah looked at the window outside and a face gradually appeared in front of him. 

Stubborn, indifferent and angry. 


Alva slept once returned home. 

Chapter 37 Sick 

She didn’t sleep yesterday, so now she’s very sleepy. 

288 Your hers 

After two hours of sleep, she was awakened by her phone. 


“Alva, pack your things right now, I will pick you up in half an hour.” 

“Why?” Alva closed her eyes, and her voice was misty. 

Her eyes were very dry, and she didn’t want to wake up at all. 

“Alva, what’s wrong with you? Are you sick?” 

“No, tell me what’s the matter?” 

She managed to open her eyes and looked at the clock, it was two o’clock in the afternoon. 

“Two days ago, I told you that AK Director Jason will come here these days. I just got the news that he has arrived in Kyoto, so we need to hurry up and seize the opportunity.” 

AK was a luxury brand that focused on women’s clothing, perfume and cosmetics. 

It’s extremely famous. 

Some time ago, it was surprised to hear that AK was finding a partner to inject new blood into AK. 

Times have progressed, so AK inevitably needs to make progress as well. 

AK’s strategy was excellent. 

Chapter 37 

Daven wanted to grab this opportunity. 

Once able to cooperate with AK, then Daven would rise to a higher level and future development would be very 


Alva’s mind cleared up. 

“Okay, I’ll tidy it up right away.” 

She was about to hang up the call, Frank stopped her, “Alva, have you feeling unwell?” 

“No, just that I slept late last night, I’m fine.” 


After hung up the call, Alva took a shower and felt comfortable all over. She tidied up simply, put on light makeup and she felt refreshed. 

She went downstairs and stood outside of the community. As soon as she stood still, Frank’s car came over and stopped in 

front of her. 

The trunk opened, she put her luggage in and got into the car. 

Frank looked at her and said apologetically, “I’m sorry, you must be tired.” 

Her eyes were a bit red. 

Even though she put on makeup, but still able to see clearly. 

Alva smiled, “If you think that I’m working hard, then just give me more bonuses.” 

Chapter 37 S 

“No problem!” 

“I can give you everything even myself!” 

Alva, “It’s fine…” 

244 Vouchers 

Two hours later, the plane arrived in Kyoto, and it was already past five o’clock. 

Alva slept again on the plane and felt much more comfortable 


But felt hungry. 

Frank said, “Let’s go to the hotel for dinner first and take a good rest, we will go find Jason tomorrow morning.” 


Soon the car stopped at Teece Hotel. 

Frank said, “I have received a secret news that Jason was staying in this hotel.” 

Alva smiled, “Seems like I will have a good time with boss again.” 

Teece Hotel was the best hotel in Kyoto. 

It’s really a blessing. 

Frank winked and said, “If you want, we can come together next time.” 

Alva took the room card and went into the room directly. Frank was locked alone outside of the room. 

Chapter 17 Sick 

Frank, “Am I so scary?” 

211 Nouchers 


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