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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 407

Chapter 407 has some good news for you 

Ambrose walked into the design room and looked at Alva and GA busy in the design room. 

Alva is sewing with a needle and thread. 

So is GA. 

Many clothes need to be stitched by hand. 

It’s a massive project. 

But that’s what makes it so good. 

Ambrose’s eyes fell on Alva. 

It has been raining for two days, the temperature has dropped sharply, and her clothes have become thick. 

A beige close-knit sweater, a pair of light jeans, long hair tied straight back, still simple and plain. 

However, it is rare to see her wearing close-fitting clothes, and this look found that she is very thin, and the figure of the model is comparable. 

It’s very nice. 

But, Ambrose didn’t want her to be so thin, it was painful to watch. 

Ambrose came in and clapped his hands. 

Alva, who is busy, looks over. 


GA looked over, too. 

Two people this look, stunned. 

GA is dumb. 

Ambrose is here. 

Alva startled and reacted. 


Alva got up and came over. “Can I help you?” 

He showed up at the studio unannounced. 

Ambrose looked at her, his eyes bright. “It’s not okay.” 

Alva nodded. “Okay, go ahead.” 

GA looked at Ambrose, also waiting for him to say. 

She wondered what it was about. 

But it’s good to see Ambrose so happy. 

As soon as GA thought about it, Ambrose said, “Take you to dinner.” 


That sound is made by GA. 

And Alva was stunned. 

Please have dinner? 



Alva looked at Ambrose with puzzlement in her eyes. 

Ambrose looked at them and said. “I have good news for you, so I must 

invite you to dinner.” 

GA looked at Alva at once. 

Good news? 

What’s the good news? 

Alva, you know what? 

Alva looked back at GA, into her eyes, bent her lips. 

She doesn’t know either. 

Ambrose looked at the time, “Five forty-five, no overtime today, I treat 


Then he turned and went out. 

But when I reached the door, I did not hear the footsteps behind me. 

Ambrose turned and looked at the two of them. “What, you worried I’d sell you out?” 

GA immediately waved her hand, “No.” 

Look at Alva. 

“Let’s clean up,” Alva said. 

“Good,” said Hermione. 

The two packed up their things and followed Ambrose to the car. 

Soon the car pulled ahead. 


GA is a bold man, especially now that he is not at work and sitting in Ambrose’s car, he is not as restrained as usual. 

She thought for a moment and said to Ambrose, who was driving, “Ambrose, what is the good news? Can you tell me a little bit first?” 

A little bit. 

Ambrose laughs, looking through the rearview mirror at Alva in the back seat. 

Alva looked at him, too. 

They looked at each other and Ambrose smiled and said, “I won’t tell you yet. I’ll tell you at dinner.” 

Alva could see that Ambrose meant it, so she didn’t ask. 

I’m not surprised to hear him say it now. 

But it’s rare to see him so secretive. 

GA listened to Ambrose say so can not, holding Alva’s hand and said: “Alva, Ambrose mouth is so tight ah, just a little don’t reveal.” 

GA is very curious. 

And a hothead. 

Alva said softly, “No hurry, but Ambrose will talk about it at dinner, just a moment later.” 

“But I want to know now.” 

Even a little bit. 

Alva thought for a moment and said, “It’s good news about the new launch.” 

She thought there was nothing that would please Ambrose so much now as to invite them to dinner again. 

Ambrose looked at Alva with a smile in her eyes. 

Looks like she already figured it out, 

That day she came to his office and told him something, and he didn’t say anything, but he already had an answer in his mind. 

Which is today’s interview with reporters. 

And she understood him. 

He didn’t tell her. She could have guessed. 

GA heard Alva’s words, surprised, “New launch?” 

“Did we launch our new product?” 

“But… But we’ve only made eight dresses and we still have more than half of them to go.” 

How is this published? 

And there’s no news at all. 

Alva never told her either. 

Alva held her hand, knowing that she was in a hurry, and said, “No hurry, wait for Ambrose to tell us.” 

Ambrose took several people to a restaurant. 

Everybody’s American. The restaurant suits them. 

And he took them to a hot pot restaurant. 


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