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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Three Months Passed in the Blink of an Eye 

The man stood still. Dressed in all black, he looked cold and ruthless. 

The man glanced upwards. The hospital came into his line of sight, and his expression darkened. 

He walked in, followed by two bodyguards. 

Candice was watching the surveillance videos in the security room, but no matter how much she looked, it was as if her target had vanished into thin air. She couldn’t find Alva no matter how hard she looked. 

Just as she was about to lose her temper again, a cold voice called out from behind her, “Did you lose her?” 

Candice stiffened and looked at the cold person standing in the doorway. 

Many times she suspected that this man was not her own 


The person who entered was a stranger, one she didn’t recognize. 

“Don’t just stand there making sarcastic remarks. Go look for them! I don’t want one of the Irwin Family’s 

descendants to get lost out there!” 



“They won’t be.” 

The voice was indifferent, without a hint of emotion, but it made the listener’s heart sink. 

“What are you trying to say?” 

Alva took refuge in an old residential building. 

Perhaps God had taken pity on her and was helping her. Not long after she hid at the corner of a set of stairs, she met a charitable old woman. 

She begged the old woman to take her in, and the old woman agreed. 

Once Alva started living in the old woman’s home, she found out that the old timer was childless and alone. 

Since then, Alva stayed at the old woman’s home. 

For three months, it seemed like things had calmed down. 

Alva started to go out and look for part-time jobs to earn 


They were all small places. 

Time passed, but she never dared to lower her guard. 

Today, she was making a food delivery to a private villa. 

The villa was full of people and they seemed to be having a damn good time. 

100% Bonus 

Alva left right after she dropped off the order. 

She had only taken two steps when a man called out to her, “Hey, lady. Come here for a minute.” 

Alva stopped and looked over. 

A man in a floral shirt and shorts waved at her while smoking a cigarette. 

Alva walked over, “Sir, what can I do for you?” 

“Go to Autumn Bread and buy some pastries for me. This money is for you.” The man said, pulling out a pile of money and giving it to her. 

Seeing so much money, Alva’s eyes lit up and she 

immediately took it, “Yes, I’ll send it over to you soon!” 

The baby was already more than four months old and would get bigger as time progressed. She had to save money to prepare for the birth. 

Alva took the money and jogged away. 

After she left, another man sidled up to the first one. 


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