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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 95

Chapter 95, Take Control of Your Own Life 

There is no sound in the phone

Ambrose knew that Uriah was listening

He was not in a hurry, just waiting

Anyway, he will give him the answer

But when the unique cold voice came from the phone, he was stunned

Because Uriah said, Let her in AK.” 

Get Alva in AK

Such a clear answer was completely different from making things difficult in the conference room

What does he mean

Before Ambrose could ask, Uriah hung up the phone

Ambrose was angry and funny

Uriah, I don’t know what you’re thinking right now

Uriah hung up the phone and looked forward, his dark eyes unfathomable

Before she boarded the plane, Alva called Jackson and told him she was on the plane

Okay, call me when you get off the plane.” 

Well ” 

Alva hung up the phone, and just as she hung up, Frank’s call came 

She didn’t answer, hung up, sent a text message, and turned off her phone 

Frank is really good for her, she understands

But his good will get him into trouble

She couldn’t get him into trouble

Leaving is the best way

Frank listened to the phone I’m sorry, the phone you dialed is turned off, very angry

Even if she didn’t answer his phone, she turned it off

It’s going to piss him off

But soon, a woo woo vibration came, it was a text message


Frank opened it immediately

Frank, I’m back in A city. Sorry, we can’t be work partners, but we are still friends.” 

Frank takes a deep breath, suppresses the fire in his heart, and sends Alva back to the past

Ambrose had already replied to him, saying that Alva had done a bad job this time, but she was indeed a rare talent and he was willing to give her a chance

But only this time

Frank promised Ambrose that there would never be a next time

This is the end of it

But Ambrose’s side is good, Alva’s side is not good

He was in a hurry

It’s useless to be anxious now, people have already returned to A city

He really wanted to run up to Alva right now and ask her if she was so irrational where there was Uriah

The plane arrived in city A the following afternoon, and Alva disembarked and started

As soon as the phone was turned on, a text message came in

It’s Frank’s

She didn’t look

Because she doesn’t need to see what Frank wants to say

Soon Jackson’s phone came in

Alva answered

Alva, are you there?” 

Here we are. I just got off the plane.” 

Okay, I’ll wait for you outside, you’ll see me as soon as you come out.” 


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