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Let Me Stay The Night novel Chapter 183

The car sped away at an alarming rate, causing the two suitcases next to Miranda to topple over. She almost lost her balance, but luckily the servant behind her caught her just in time.

“Are you all right, Mrs. Steele?”

Miranda’s face contorted in rage as she yelled, “That darn brat. I won’t rest until I get my revenge! Just wait

and see!”

Christina knew that the driver did it on purpose, and she couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the sight of Miranda’s enraged expression.

“Well done! I’ll make sure Nathaniel gives you a raise when we get back!” she said to the driver.

Back at Scenic Garden Manor, Christina took out the contract.

She had promised to help Gideon, and she had no intention of backing out now.

This was her final chance to pay back all the favors she owed.

If Gideon didn’t cherish their father–daughter relationship from now on, she wouldn’t force them to reconcile.

Christina went to the study and found that Nathaniel was in the middle of a video conference call.

She entered the room tiptoeing, like a sneaky little mouse trying to steal a snack. Her bright eyes were locked onto his serious and handsome face as she drew near.

Nathaniel’s command of Ferropenian was flawless, and his enigmatic gaze gleamed with intelligence. The interplay of light and shadow emphasized the exquisite contours of his face.

Since Christina did not know how long his meeting would last, she decided to return to the room and take

a shower.

When she returned to the study again, she brought a cup of warm milk.

She wore a cotton pajama with cartoonish prints that hugged her slender figure, while her long black hair cascaded down her delicate shoulders like a waterfall. Her skin was as fair as snow, and her eyes sparkled with crystal–clear clarity.

By then, Nathaniel had finished his meeting and was reading documents.

Christina placed the milk in front of him. “Are you still busy?” she asked.

Nathaniel didn’t pick up the cup. Instead, he reached out to pull her into his embrace.

A faint fragrance wafted over him as he buried his chin in Christina’s slender shoulder. His lips almost touched her fair skin as he murmured, “Do you need anything from me?”

As soon as Christina heard his question, she knew she couldn’t hide anything from him. With a slight grin, she said, “I guess I can’t keep anything from you, can I?”

“What’s the matter?” His lips inched closer, and his warm breath tingled her skin.

Christina felt a ticklish sensation in her neck and shyly handed him a file lying on the desk.

“When I visited my mom at the hospital today, 1 bumped into my dad. He said his company is in trouble and asked if you could help him.” After a short pause, she continued, “If it’s too troublesome, we can just drop the matter…”

Before she could finish speaking, a warm sensation enveloped her earlobe, followed by the gentle sensation of his teeth nibbling on it.

Nathaniel said calmly, “I already looked at it and signed it.”

“Wait, you signed it?” Christina exclaimed in surprise, taking the file from Nathaniel and quickly flipping to the final page, where she saw his signature.

At the same time, she noticed the amount was thirty million.

That’s a large sum of money. It’s almost the entire value of the Steele family’s company. My father is so greedy.

“Thank you,” Christina said, feeling embarrassed.

“What are you thanking me for, silly?” Nathaniel patted her head gently before carrying her to the bedroom.


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