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Let Me Stay The Night novel Chapter 204

The woman had borrowed the diamond ring worth tens of millions from a “client,” so she would be doomed if she were to lose it.

Christina wrenched her hands away and retorted sharply, “What does your lost diamond ring have to do with me? I never even went near your dressing table.”

Seeing that, Emilia swiftly summoned their manager and instructed them to call the police.

It was evident that she intended to create a scene and attract as much attention as possible.

“Klaudia, don’t trust her. She has a history of stealing things since we were young. I remember she even stole one of my bracelets,” Emilia said, trying to discredit Christina.

Christina’s anger flared. “Nonsense!”

It was Emilia who had cunningly slipped the bracelet into Christina’s bag when they were young, making it seem as if Christina was the one who stole it.

After that, Emilia complained to Miranda, who locked her up in the dark for a few days.

Christina was breathless with anger when she recalled the past incident.

Right then, the hotel manager and police arrived.

“Officer, this woman has stolen my colleague’s ring! You must arrest her immediately. If Radiant Corporation discovers that you’re a thief, they will terminate your employment. The entire design

industry will shun you, and finding work with a criminal record will be impossible!” Emilia swiftly stepped forward, accusing Christina of theft.

Emilia’s goal was to destroy Christina’s reputation.

Christina’s gaze turned dark. “Why am I the only one being singled out for a search? Everyone present should be subjected to a search,” she insisted, refusing to be singled out for the search.

Soon, the police officer got a female officer to pat them down.

Christina was forced to be the first one to get patted down.

Emilia fixed a gloating gaze on her, prepared to give a scathing remark when the ring was found in her bag.

The female police officer diligently rummaged through Christina’s bag and thoroughly patted her down, but to everyone’s surprise, the ring was nowhere to be found.

Emilia’s eyes widened in shock.

“Impossible! That ring was in Christina’s-

Christina shot her an icy glare and grinned. “In my what? Did you intentionally put it in my bag? Just so you know, framing someone else is also a crime!”

No matter what evil deed Emilia did, she’ll be punished by the law.

A baffled look crossed Emilia’s face. I put it in her bag myself. Why isn’t it there? Is Christina capable of magic? Or

did she…

A chill ran down Emilia’s spine as she froze in her tracks in fear.

The female police officer proceeded to pat her down.

Cling! A sparkling diamond ring dropped onto the ground from Emilia’s body.

As everyone’s attention turned to the diamond ring, Klaudia, the person who had lost it, quickly walked over and picked it up from the ground. She screamed, “Emilia, you shameless bitch! I knew you were jealous of me. I can’t believe

you stole my ring!”

Emilia paled instantly. “I didn’t steal it. It wasn’t me!”

Klaudia declared furiously, “The ring fell down from your body! We saw that with our own eyes!”

“Well…” Emilia was rendered speechless.

How did Christina manage to return the ring to me?

She couldn’t explain herself, so the female officer decided to bring her back to the police station to question her further.

The commotion was over, and Christina turned to leave without looking back.

Back when Emilia stopped her from leaving and came closer to her on purpose, she had already had her guard up.

Emilia’s trick was pretty obvious as she didn’t zip Christina’s bag after unzipping it. It didn’t take Christina long to discover there was a diamond ring in her bag.

Christina then took the chance to return the ring back to Emilia when they were chatting.

Emilia never knew she’d reap what she sow, huh?


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