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Let Me Stay The Night novel Chapter 214

Christina was typing away on the keyboard in the study when the door was pushed open. She stopped what she was doing and looked up to find Madison placing a cup of coffee on the table. “Mrs. Hadley, I’m

about what happened earlier. I was just worried about the company’s data. Are you still mad at me?” Her attitude had taken a hundred–and–eighty–degree turn.


Naturally, Christina noticed the woman’s awkward smile.

What’s this woman up to this time?

Smiling, Christina said, “I’m not.”

Madison broke into a relaxed smile and pushed the cup of coffee to Christina. “Will you drink this cup coffee to accept my apology?”


She had prepared that medicine before coming that day. One serving was all that was needed to make the consumer have diarrhea.

No one else will get in my way once Christina’s gone.

Christina eyed the cup of coffee in front of her. For some reason, she had a feeling that Madison was up to something fishy.

Just as she was about to reach for the cup, a figure suddenly rushed in.

The cup of coffee was snatched and finished by Sebastian before the two women could react.

Christina was lost beyond words.

What’s Sebastian doing?

Meanwhile, Madison was livid.

That fool! Has he lost his mind? Why would he take that cup of coffee?

Sebastian gulped the entire coffee, leaving not a single drop behind.

He was still panting as he placed the cup down. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Hadley. I was too thirsty. I hope you won’t mind it.”

Earlier, he had noticed Madison adding something to the coffee, but he was not sure what it was.

He simply guessed it was Madison’s medicine. The moment he saw her entering the study with the cup coffee, something clicked in his mind.

Worried Madison might cause trouble, he quickly snatched the coffee and drank it.

Sebastian’s unusual behavior made Christina suspicious.

He’s always been a steady person who’s rarely this reckless. I’m sure he knows something.


Christina responded calmly, “It’s okay. It’s late, anyway. I don’t want to drink any coffee.”

Smiling sheepishly, Sebastian said, “We shall not bother you anymore, then. We’ll be going back first.”


With that, he dragged Madison out of Scenic Garden Manor.

While Madison drove the car to the hospital, she questioned, “Are you an idiot? Do what that was? How could you drink it just like that?”

Ugh! This idiot is so frustrating!

you have

any idea

A frown appeared on Sebastian’s forehead. “You’re the idiot here. How dare you make a move on Mrs. Hadley? You’ll lose your position as an assistant once Mr. Hadley finds out about it.”

Madison gripped the steering wheel tightly as the cold air entered her lungs, allowing some of her rationality to return.

If something happened to Christina after taking the coffee, Madison would be the first to get kicked out by Nathaniel.

Hence, she would lose her chance to handle the finance department’s matters.

I’ve always been a calm person. How could I panic and make such a mistake? If Sebastian did not interferethe consequences would’ve been terrible.

At that moment, the medicine’s effects kicked into action. Sebastian paled and frowned. The pain in his stomach was so intense that he felt like crying.

“What did you put into that cup of coffee?” Sebastian was on the verge of tears.

Madison hit the steering wheel and snapped. “Laxative. Why did you drink it? You could’ve just poured it away.”

He was all right earlier. Did he eat something wrong?

Suddenly, Christina frowned. Could it be the coffee?

Madison tried to drug me!

What’s it like spending countless nights dealing with data at the office table?


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