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Let Me Stay The Night novel Chapter 255

None of them understood the meaning of those words.

Selena knew she had achieved her goal when she saw the confused looks on their faces. “I want each of you to pick one out of these seven random strangers and help them discover their true selves.”

So, those people behind her are our models? Those black rags are covering their bodies entirely, so we can’t even see their faces, let alone their figures! What if we end up picking a model with an unpleasant body shape? That could easily cost us the competition! This is way too risky!

With that in mind, Margaret decided to speak her mind even if it would sound offensive. “This isn’t very fair, Ms. Selena. We’re designers, so we should design clothes that look unique and contemporary instead of giving random strangers makeovers.”

We went to prestigious schools and spent day and night in tailor rooms so that our designs would become famous all over the world! How could they judge our capabilities using random strangers they picked off the street? This is unfair

to us!

“That’s right! Could you please change the theme, Ms. Selena? Maybe make it a retro theme or something?” Nancy added.

The rest of the designers agreed with Margaret and Nancy.

These people might not even know how to do a catwalk, which would render our designs completely useless! There’s no point in working hard to make the best outfit if the model can’t bring out the best in it! How could Ms. Selena toy with us like this? Could it be that she has secretly selected a goodlooking model for Christina to help her win?

The mere thought of that was enough to put a displeased frown on their faces.

However, Selena showed no intention of changing her mind. “The competition is about to begin. Those of you who do not wish to participate in it may leave now!”

The designers were stunned by her decision to stand firm.

Having overcome so many difficult obstacles just to get into the finals, there was no way they would give up so easily.

Minola then walked up to them with a box and said, “To ensure that the process is fair for everyone, we will have you draw lots to choose your model.”

Drawing lots, huh? That seems fair. At the very least, no one would be able to cheat or fake the results.

With that in mind, Margaret stepped forward and picked out a card from the box. Upon examining her card, she saw it had the number seven written on it.

Realizing that it was impossible to change the rules of the competition, the other designers followed suit and hoped that they would get a decent model.

Christina and Benjamin were the last ones to draw lots from the box. The model numbers they got were four and six, respectively.

After being assigned to a model each, they walked up to their respective models without even knowing what they looked like.

Christina ripped off the black cloth on her model after a brief moment of hesitation, only to freeze in

shock when she saw the person in front of her.

Wait a minuteShe looks more like a homeless person than a random stranger from the streets! Her clothes are tattered, and her fingernails have turned purple from the cold! How does she even survive the freezing temperatures in those thin pants of hers?

She looked so terrifying that some of the designers screamed upon seeing her. One of the designers‘ legs gave out beneath her, causing her to slump weakly to the floor.

“What the f*ck? She looks so scary!” Nancy exclaimed in terror and crawled backward on all fours.

Everyone else removed the rags from their models as well. Sure enough, the models were all homeless men and women in their twenties. The clothes they had on were filthy and tattered. Some of them were held in place with stitches, but holes could still be seen on them regardless.


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