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Let Me Stay The Night novel Chapter 664

Chapter 664 Wasted Effort

Yerek’s eyes gleamed slyly. He deliberately tried to dissuade Azure, “Grandma, don’t act so rashly. It won’t solve anything. Let’s calm down and talk this through civilly. Nothing is black and white. I believe Old Mr. Stone must have his reasons for his decision.”

Barnaby could not help gaining a little more respect for Yerek upon hearing the latter’s words.

In truth, Yerek’s behavior endeared him to Barnaby, but unfortunately, he was neither strong nor willful enough to lead the family.

Sheridan was a more suitable heir to the Stone family.

If the events that followed had not occurred, Barnaby might have considered legitimizing Yerek later on. However, when Azure heard Yerek’s words, she only became even more enraged.

“Yerek, stop caring about others! Think about the precarious position that you and your father are in. Haven’t we been oppressed enough as it is?” Azure said angrily. “Now, your own grandpa wants to do the same and pour salt on our wounds! I can’t stay calm!”

Barnaby was not without conscience. After all, Azure was his first love whom he had loved for many years, and she had even bore him a child.

“I cannot legitimize them for the time being. Nevertheless, if there’s anything else you need, I’ll do it as long as it is within my control, Barnaby said, capitulating partially to Azure’s demands.

He had only agreed to compromise so that Azure would calm down and stop embarrassing him by appearing suddenly at the Stone family residence.

Azure cracked a satisfied smile. “Well, if so, don’t you think you should make it up to Nigel and Yerek since they won’t have the right to the Stone family’s inheritance which Sheridan will be entitled to? Shouldn’t they be treated like the other Stone family members and receive some assets at least?”

What Azure was asking for was essentially the same as demanding Barnaby acknowledge Nigel and Yerek as his blood. The only difference was their official legitimacy.

Barnaby was about to reject her when the door to the study burst open suddenly,

“I do not agree!” Wendy hobbled in with her cane, leaning heavily on Sheridan for support. Her sharp eyes pierced into Barnaby’s. “Barnaby, you’re the head of the Stone family, but yet, you’re under this woman’s thumb. If people got wind of this, it would bring the Stone family shame!”

Barnaby stared at the ground as he listened to his mother’s tirade, not daring to deny her accusations or defend himself.

Wendy was an influential figure in the Stone family. Her word could determine a person’s fate and position within the family.

Azure sneered and countered, “Old Mdm. Garcia, this is between Barnaby and me. You should stay out of

Wendy looked at Azure indifferently, and her voice dripped with contempt when she spoke. “If you were

Barnaby’s lawfully wedded wife, I would definitely not interfere, but you are not. You are an outsider. Frankly, you are just another gold digger. As the head of the Stone family, I’m merely watching over our family’s affairs. You, on the other hand, are the one who’s meddling in our family matters.”

Azure was no match for Wendy’s words. Thus, she turned her eyes to Barnaby and demanded angrily, “Barnaby, tell me now, do you agree to my request?”

Wendy glared at Barnaby, the warning look in her eyes a silent order to stand down. “Well, Barnaby, since you seem to be unable to make up your mind, I’ll make the decision on your behalf.”

Barnaby could not go against Wendy’s words. He nodded and said weakly, “Yes, thank you, Mom.”


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