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Let's Get Married novel Chapter 602

In Eunice's 22 years of life, the most handsome man she has ever seen is Ryan. It is not that she hasn't seen any handsome guy before. She just believes that a man in his thirties has an experienced vibe, which a boy in his twenties could never have.

It has nothing to do with appearance. What makes a man charming is the aura that comes from inside.

Eunice has met Lily before and knows the relationship between Lily and Ryan. She was surprised that Lily could be calm enough to resist Ryan's courtship. But now, after seeing Rex, she understands.

Ryan doesn't suppress his coldness to others but Rex does. Rex is alienated from others and the restrained coldness he gives off should not be ignored. Sure enough, a complete cold man is at the center of attention, but a man like Rex, who bewitches others when he seems untouchable. Yet the man is so indifferent. The two contradictory characteristics are perfectly combined in him.

Eunice looked up at his deep, sharp eyes and holds her breath, "Hello, Mr. Rex. I'm Eunice Tyrone."

Recognizing the awkwardness and timidity in her voice, Ryan casts her a glance but says nothing.

He directly takes the seat in front of Rex, leaving a space beside him. Nervous, Eunice doesn't pay much attention to that and sits over subconsciously.

Lily observes them as they walking in. Ryan is handsome with an unreadable expression and Eunice has her nervousness written on her face.

‘They are Eunice and Ryan that Adair Mentioned before?’

To be honest, it is somewhat different from her imagination. She thought that they should not be young and Adair should like people who are kind and amiable. She doesn't expect the truth to be exactly the opposite. The man called Ryan doesn't seem to be very affectionate. Instead, he looks cold.

"When did you come back?"

Just as she is pondering, Ryan asks suddenly. Only then does Lily regain her senses. She realizes her gaffe and looks away immediately. "It's been three or four days."

"Have you seen Adair?"


She doesn’t dare to say any more in fear that something would go wrong. She is very nervous.

Rex raises his hand under the table, moves it slowly, and lightly lands it on the back of her cold one. At the same time, his eyes are fixed on the man sitting opposite him. "Adair told me that you had been taking care of him recently. Thank you, Mr. Ryan and Ms. Eunice."

Hearing her name being mentioned, before she could form a "you're welcome", she hears a slight snort from the man beside her. "Mr. Rex, you're welcome. I'm not taking care of Adair for anyone's sake. I just don't want the child to be left alone."

His answer doesn't sound very tactful. In fact, he is trying to play it cool. He is telling Rex that he didn't do that for Lily, but the child.

Eunice knows Ryan likes Lily, so when she hears what he says, she glances at him out of the corner of her eyes.

He's indeed... selfless.

"I appreciate that. If you need help in the future, please don't hesitate to let me know, Mr. Ryan." Rex respects that and smiles politely.

The two men are sitting face to face. They know what the other is thinking about, but still keep the warm conversations going.

Eunice is a little uneasy. Her hands on her legs knit together. Seeing that the two men are momentarily silent, she hesitates and says, "Uh..."

The other three shoot glances at her simultaneously. She lowers her head immediately with red ears. "I heard that Adair is coming, too. Where is he?"


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