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Let's Start All Over Again, Shall We (Maggie and Nathaniel) novel Chapter 173

Chapter 173 Skill Issue

Fully aware of the simation, Ronald struggled to focus and strategize amidst his frustration.

“Maggie, can you think of anything? I need your thoughts.”

Maggie paused, lost in contemplation, while Mary, growing impatient with the silence, sharply criticized, Why the silence? You’re known for your effectiveness. After all the years with the Camerons, how can you hesitate now when it matters most?”

Ronald, with a concerned expression, cut in, “Stop. We’re in a dire predicament that can’t be solved just by talking.”

Mary, despite her harsh words, was on the verge of tears.

“We’ve sunk a massive amount of money into this. What will become of us if we don’t succeed?”

Maggie could hardly hide her disdain. Indeed, the Cameron family had heavily invested in the endeavor, from sourcing materials and recruiting employees to setting up factories and broadening their market presence across the country.

Their total investment was monumental, reaching into the tens or even hundreds of billions.

Now, they faced not only the loss of materials but also a blow to their worldwide reputation. For the Camerons, overcoming this hurdle seemed as formidable as reaching the heavens.

Maggie empathized with Mary’s distress deeply. Upon the establishment of the Luster Corporation, both Noah and Mary had committed substantial resources. Now facing the possibility of losing it all, Mary’s concern was palpable.

“Joseph, retrace your steps from tonight. Think about who you mingled with and who could have possibly planted this bug on you,” she suggested.

Ronald, catching a glimpse of his son’s error, fixed him with a severe look.

Aware it was a deliberate sabotage, Ronald 1 mented that his lack of caution led to the leak. A more guarded approach might have spared them the current crisis.


In the aftermath of finding the bug on his attire, Joseph’s complexion paled. Despite incessant pondering. he was at a loss to identify the perpetrator.

As the heir of the family, he had hosted a myriad of guests that evening, leaving him baffled as to the identity, timing, or method of the bug’s placement.

“Reflect deeply. It’s clear someone managed to slip this device onto you undetected!” Ronald, increasingly exasperated, pressed him.

“Dad, I encountered so many individuals that night, it’s hard to recall

Joseph’s attempt to explain was abruptly cut off by Ronald furiously smashing his cup onto the floor, berating. “You don’t remember? How can you fail to recall such a crucial detail? Regardless of whether I hold you responsible, what about Andy? You assured me he was on board, so why is he now retracting his

Chapter 173 Skill Issue

That day, Ronald felt an indelible mark of disgrace, questioning how he would be viewed in the aftermath, and the path forward for the Camerons seemed bleak.

The floor was strewn with fragments of the shattereil cup as Joseph, faced with Ronald’s fury, maintained a grim and stern demeanor, visibly upset by the reprimand.

“Honey, blame should not be cast upon Joseph. The Farrow father and son have shown their true colors by breaking their word and aligning with the Adams, Clearly, the Adams have orchestrated this betrayal with a hidden agenda, Olivia, defending her son against the unjust accusation, sided with him and pointed out the treachery of their supposed allies.

“The Adams, always the Adams! Why is it that the Adams can outmaneuver us, yet we fail to surpass them? If that’s the case, should we not just concede to the Adams, admitting that Ronald is no match for them. and that my son doesn’t measure up to Phillip

Dad, our priority should be to devise a strategy for damage control. Although I haven’t formulated a complete solution, I’ve pinpointed several critical issues we need to tackle, Maggie suggested, maintaining her calm.


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