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Let's Start All Over Again, Shall We (Maggie and Nathaniel) novel Chapter 233

Chapter 233 Fancy a Drink?

“Your pulse shows signs of long–standing poisoning, the dean explained. “This toxin is sneaky, hard to catch at first, but it builds up in your lungs, draining your energy slowly. Early treatment with acupuncture and medicine can help. But if it’s ignored for too long, and the toxins reach a critical level…

In a sombre tone, the elderly man looked at Maggie with pity.

Maggie withdrew her wrist, her expression steady as she commented, “So, there’s no remedy for this poison in me.”

The old man turned to the bookshelf, grabbing a book and flipping through its pages. After a moment, he found what he was looking for and pushed the book towards Maggie.

“If I’m right, you’ve been poisoned by something called ‘Dream Venom,” the old man explained. “As it spreads, you’ll face a barrage of illusions before your final breath. Regrets, grudges, loves, and unfulfilled wishes will haunt you. Every memory will become excruciating, and the poison will unleash its full fury then.”

The dean had a serene voice, and Maggie felt her heart being at peace.

Maggie’s gaze swept over the page, revealing details about the ‘Dream Venom‘ poison. It was concocted. from a mix of deadly herbs like Aconite, Asarum, and Geranium, but the exact recipe and strength remained shrouded in mystery.

It said that before death would claim the poison’s victim, they would turn blue in the fact, while their lips would take on a shade of golden, and their pupils would dilate. Their life would flash before their

very eyes. Hence the poison’s name.

Following a brief silence, Maggie gently flipped through the weathered pages of the ancient tome.

The book, aged and worn with several pages torn out, held a mix of detailed and vague information. It was clear that documentation on ‘Dream Venom‘ was scarce.

“The art of using this poison is rare, and its antidote hard to find,” the old man explained, his words sinking into Maggie’s thoughts. “It’s sneaky, with no smell or taste, and it doesn’t show its effects right away. By the time it’s noticed, it’s usually too late, having already spread through the body’s core, making treatment pointless.”

She fixated on the description in the ancient tome: ‘face turns blue, lips turn gold‘ – a haunting image indeed.

Meeting the old man’s gaze, she asked softly, “Will dying make me look ugly?”

The old man paused briefly, then flashed a gentle smile. “My dear, how many find their final moments pleasant?” he asked. “And with a lethal poison spreading, the symptoms are hardly going to be enjoyable.”

“I see. Thanks, Maggie said. She didn’t want to linger any longer.

“Wait a moment, miss,” the old man interjected, pausing before adding, “While I might not have the antidote, there could be others who can help.

“So you’re saying there’s a chance?” Maggie’s eyes lit up with hope, though she realised it might not be simple.


Chapter 233 Fancy a Drink?

In a resonant tone, the old man advised. “It’s worth a try. Look for Zacharias Hudson, the Miracle Healer, Wilfred Roster, the National Physician, Waylon Cricket, the Phantom Surgeon, or Flora West, the Angel of Medicine. If you can reach out to any of them, or their descendants, there might be a chance.”

Maggie wasted no time memorising the names,

The old man elaborated, “The Hudsons and the Rosters are well–known in medicine. The Hudsons stay discreet, with their descendants occasionally surfacing. Meanwhile, the Rosters hold a high status, admired by many. Mr. Roster Sr. is currently the national physician, making it tough for regular folks to seek his help”

When the Rosters were mentioned, Maggie’s mind wandered to Leslie Roster.

As far as she recalled, Leslie hailed from the Rosters, celebrated for his extraordinary medical talents. Few had the nerve to challenge them.

She needed to rule out the Rosters first. Their involvement wouldn’t stay under wraps in Swallowton. If a cure was possible, great. If not…

“Then there’s Waylon Cricket, the Phantom Surgeon,” the old man continued. “He might not specialise in medical poison, but he could have useful medical knowledge. Finding him won’t be easy though. He’s clusive, with a unique personality and no known connections.

“Flora West was known for her consultations and healing prowess, earning admiration from many,” the old man explained. “But a tragic mistake caused the death of nine family members due to conflicting medications. Since then. Flora has secluded herself in remorse, refusing to practice medicine again.

The old man offered hope. “While you’ve been poisoned for a while, you’re not at death’s door yet. With the right treatment, there’s a chance you could survive. Even if we can’t fully rid you of the poison, it might buy you another year or two.”


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