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level 1 player novel novel Chapter 28

Chapter 28 chastisement

Upon the news of Hyunseong’s death, Hyunseong’s mother collapsed on the spot.

After waking up, she cried for several days.

“The real problem came after that.”

What flew to her mother, who had barely regained her body and mind, was a bill for loss of rental equipment in Hyunseong’s name and a bill for breach of contract.

“… … .”

Hyunseong was at a loss for words.

It was like pouring gasoline on a burning house.

He could never have imagined that such a thing would happen.

At that time, it was Choi Hyun-ji who found out the truth on behalf of his mother.

He protested dozens more times.

However, only macro responses such as ‘There is no legal problem’ and ‘Apply for renunciation of inheritance’ came back.

He consulted with a lawyer, but there was no solution other than to apply for a waiver of the inheritance.

“If you give up your inheritance, you will have to move out immediately.”

The house where my mother and sister lived is a jeonse house contracted under Hyunseong’s name.

If I gave up the inheritance, of course I had to vacate the house.

Of course, even if the inheritance was abandoned, there was no immediate financial difficulty.

This is because Hyunseong signed a contract with the Players Association and sent a portion of the down payment he received to his mother.

But they even tried to touch it.

“It was really boring back then. Because Hyunseong regarded the money you sent to your mother as an illegal gift and sent a bill for the return of fuel.”

teeth are broken

If things had gone as it was, there was nothing left in the hands of the mother and sister.

“Of course, things got better after that. A person named Yoona Shin came to visit her and knelt down to her knees to apologize, and she said that there was a mistake in handling the matter. But from my point of view, it is not a simple mistake.”

Of course, there was no mistake.

“I will find out.”

“She’s been keeping her mouth shut because your mom told you never to tell her.”

She must have said that out of consideration for her son who was raised from the dead.

“But I said this because you also seem to be somewhat stable and you should know that this has happened.”

“Thanks for letting me know, sister.”

If Choi Hyun-joo hadn’t told her, she would have passed without knowing.

However, this was not a problem that could not be overlooked.

* * *

Hyunseong visited the headquarters of the Players Association.

To find out why the hell it happened and who did it.

Hyunseong headed to the player association’s information counter.

“I have an appointment with Captain Shin Yoon-ah.”

“Oh, you came a little early. Captain Shin Yoon-ah is yet to return… … .”

not a little

Arrived an hour ahead of my appointment time.

“I contacted him in advance just in case, and he told me to wait in his office.”


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