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level 1 player novel novel Chapter 35

Six months have passed.

The Japanese government still has not been able to deal with the Joining tribes.

The Joiners, who settled near the Dimension Gate, gradually expanded their territory and spread throughout Fukuoka.

Territory was lost to monsters.

A series of monster waves occurred in Fukuoka, which was occupied by the Joining tribes.

Since players could not hunt in the dungeon, the monsters ran out of the dungeon.

Fortunately, the monsters that escaped from the dungeon have been reduced to a meal for the joiners.

The Japanese government only focused on preventing the Joining tribes from leaving Fukuoka and expanding their territory to other regions.

Taking Fukuoka alone was giving up.

Around the time Japan was anxiously awaiting the support of the international community.

Korea has completed restoration of damage caused by the Second Cataclysm.

Restoration work in North Korea was also urgently resolved.

There was more work to be done, but the urgent fire was extinguished.

The South Korean government was the first to open North Korea to players.

This is because the prevention of the dungeon wave could no longer be left to the association’s direct players and the high-level players of the giant guild.

Although Hyunseong had a hard time frolicking around, he couldn’t clear all the dungeons in North Korea alone.Naturally, the number of dungeons with a high probability of a monster wave increased rapidly.

The best solution to preventing a wave of monsters is to free the players.

In the meantime, the level of the dungeon and the types of monsters were not well understood, so even if they wanted to open up the North Korean region, they could not do it.

This is because they were concerned about a situation in which players were allowed to hunt without a proper investigation, but they entered a dungeon that did not fit their level or met a group of monsters with unique habits, causing a large amount of human damage.

However, the dungeons in North Korea still lacked much.

There were no lodging facilities, and water and sewage facilities and roads were not properly maintained.

In addition, infrastructure such as restaurants, equipment rental shops, and repair shops near the dungeon was not well equipped.

The government was aware of that, but it was an inevitable choice to prevent a dungeon wave right away.

The players cheered.

And they flocked to North Korea in large numbers.

Some people were trying to solve their curiosity about dungeons in North Korea, while others went to hunt comfortably with less competition.

The point at which everyone headed north.

Hyunseong returned to South Korea.

Hyunseong was the first to find his family.

He called saying hello every day, but he had only seen him in person in a month.

He ate the home-cooked food his mother made for a long time and slept comfortably at home.


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