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level 1 player novel novel Chapter 37

Chapter 37 2nd Legendary Rank Monster

“I don’t really want to go unless it’s mandatory.”

– Oh, it’s not compulsory. I just contacted you because I thought it would be a good opportunity.

A faint smile formed on Hyunseong’s lips at Shin Yoon-ah’s words.

“Thank you for caring me. But for the time being, I plan to rest in South Korea.”

– In the meantime, Hyunseong has been very busy. I know.

“Are you going to Japan, Yoona?”

– Yes, that’s it. The Japanese government was very urgent, so it offered quite generous conditions. Actually, that’s why I contacted Hyunseong. There are many conditions that are quite unfortunate to miss.

It seems that Japan is in dire straits because of the join group. It is enough to say that it is a generous condition from Shin Yoon-ah’s mouth.

“Go with caution. Always put safety first.”

-Yes, got it. Please contact me if you change your mind later.

“Yes, I will.”

That’s the answer, but it didn’t change Hyunseong’s mind.

The Japanese dimensional gate management department has a history of targeting Hyunseong by sending players to North Korea.

Japan is their den.

Although he was going to help as a member of the UN Allied Forces, he did not know what the Japanese Dimensional Gate Management Department was going to do.

Hyunseong had no intention of going into the enemy’s den on his own feet.

-By the way, Hyunseong, when are you planning to buy rice?


-Last time, you said that you would buy one meal to thank me. I hope you didn’t forget it?

It was only then that I remembered Shin Yoon-ah’s words.

When she had a problem with the Seowoo Guild, she once said that she would buy food with the help of Shin Yoona.

– Were you talking empty words?

“no. When you come back from a business trip to Japan, I will treat you with a big deal.”

-okay. I look forward to it. Then see you next time.

With that said, the phone hung up.

“Are you a player association?”

At Lucia’s question, Hyunseong nodded his head.

“Yes that’s right. He asked if he had any plans to go to Japan.”


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