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level 1 player novel novel Chapter 42

Chapter 42 shopping

‘Now I can buy an elixir.’

Hyunseong’s eyes were colored with joy.

Hyunseong quickly opened the purchase window.

And she chose Elixir.

Elixir – Legendary Rank

– Perfectly heals all wounds and diseases in the body and soul.

-If you take it again within 24 hours after taking it, it has no effect.

– This is a consumable item.

-Seller: Teru

-Sales price: 99,999,999,999 points

‘Billion, 1 billion, 10 billion. Almost 100 billion points.’

It was not as expensive as expected.

However, it was not as expensive as expected, but the high price was expensive.

100 billion points.

1,157,407 days.

If converted into annual terms, the price was close to 3,200 years’ worth of lifespan.

However, Hyunseong could afford to buy an elixir.

No, he had enough points to purchase an additional legendary skill even after purchasing an Elixir.

Hyunseong pressed the elixir.

-Consumables Elixir – Would you like to purchase Legendary rank? Once purchased, items cannot be refunded or exchanged.

-[Yes No]

I just clicked yes.

-Consumable Item Elixir – You have purchased a Legendary grade.

The elixir appeared with a brilliant golden brilliance.

The elixir had lost its brilliance and was emitting a translucent golden light.

“Congratulations, my lord.”

“thank you. It’s all thanks to Lucia.”

The hint I got from seeing Lucia enjoying the drama earned me a lot of points.

“I want to go right away.”

Hyunseong took the elixir and headed to the hospital where his father was hospitalized.

* * *

Hyunseong, who looked sadly at his father lying on the bed with his skinny body, took out an elixir from his arms.

He opened his father’s mouth and spilled the elixir.

Elixir disappeared as soon as it entered his father’s mouth.

I used all the Elixir.

‘Are you finished now?’

It was said that all wounds and diseases in the body and soul were completely healed, so it must have been cured of magic reflux.

Hyunseong carefully exited the hospital room.

* * *

‘Let’s see what has changed.’


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