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level 1 player novel novel Chapter 44

Chapter 44 father’s heart

After exiting the dungeon, Inukuso immediately contacted the headquarters.

– Was the operation successful?


-failure? Why the hell?

Minister Tanaka asked in a bewildered voice.

“The Korean Players Association has moved. It’s a miracle that I got out. I will return to my home country immediately.”

– Do that. And did you check the fighting power of Choi Hyunseong and Woo Shia?

“Has confirmed. We will provide detailed information once we return to our home country.”

– I see.

After completing the report, Inukuso immediately called the intelligence agents who had helped in this operation to the house.

Inukuso didn’t become a secret agent for the purpose of committing a crime and getting his sentence commuted.

Of course, the probability of betraying him was also close to zero.

For that reason, Inukuso also had command of intelligence agents deployed to the scene.

The intelligence agents, who were called by their superiors, gathered without any doubt.

“Are you all gathered?”


Intelligence agents responded vigorously to Inukuso’s words.

“Would you have completely erased the traces?”

“of course.”

“Now we just need to go home.”

Hearing the replies from the intelligence agents, Inukuso drew his dagger.

Seeing the boss suddenly drawing out his weapon, the intelligence agents each grabbed their weapon and looked around.

He misunderstood that an intruder had entered the house.

Inukuso’s dagger flew towards the intelligence agents who were on the lookout for a non-existent enemy.



Intelligence agents, consisting of ordinary people and non-combat awakenings, were helplessly killed by Inukuso’s attack.

“Why the hell is the captain… … !”

“The captain is crazy!”

Embarrassed intelligence agents screamed and fled, scattered everywhere.

However, he could not keep up with Inukuso’s movement speed, which focused on his agility stat.

“Sir, please save me, Captain!”

The last remaining intelligence agent begged with tears in his eyes.

Inukuso was a great boss, and as much as he was popular with his subordinates.

Inukuso also didn’t see intelligence agents as tools.

Unlike the secret agents who were criminals, the intelligence agents were patriots who were united in patriotism and worked in the dark for the glory of Japan.

“I’m sorry.”


Inukuso’s dagger pierced the heart of the last survivor.


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