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level 1 player novel novel Chapter 52

Chapter 52 attack

“Is that really true?”

“It’s a guess, but based on the information sent by the agents, I’m pretty sure there’s a 99% chance that’s the case.”

At President Wilson’s question, the CIA director spoke confidently.

“It’s more than 99%… … .”

This meant that I could not confirm it directly with the person concerned, but it was 100% the same.

“Tell me more about that player named Choi Hyunseong.”

“Yes, first of all, the player Choi Hyunseong… … .”

Information about Hyunseong flowed out of the CIA director’s mouth.

As the CIA chief’s explanations continued, the mouths of President Wilson and his aides grew wider and wider.

In particular, many were shocked to find out that player Choi Hyunseong is a newb who has not been awake for less than two years.

“The rate of growth is incredibly fast. Can you apply the unique skill that Choi Hyunseong has to other players?”

“I haven’t checked that part yet. But other peculiarities have been discovered.”

“What is that?”

“Look at this first.”

The CIA director released a report with attached photos of Choi Hyung-gyu and Baek Woo-shin, taken from various angles.

“Choi Hyunseong Information about the player’s father, Hyung-gyu Choi, and a player named Baek Woo-shin who lives next door to him.”

“Player Hyung-gyu Choi has not been awake for two months, but he enters a level 100 dungeon.”

President Wilson said with a look of disbelief.

No matter how much money you spend, it is impossible to enter a higher dungeon if the basic stats are running.

But those two made that impossible a reality.

“It’s not just that. Choi Hyunseong is currently in charge of the Korean Players Association’s Kill Team. Since then he has supported 316 low-level players, and the results have been amazing.”

The CIA director this time pulled out a report with photos and profiles of the 316 low-level players under Hyunseong.

“It’s growing pretty fast.”

“That’s right. And although the results of the investigation are not so obvious, we have confirmed that the overall stats have risen since being recruited by Choi Hyunseong.”

“Did your stats go up?”

“Yes that’s right.”

“Is it possible that the person who showed such a formidable fighting power was Buffer?”

“It is not. However, it is presumed that he has the kind of skill that increases the stats of many people like Buffer.”

“He is a very unknown person.”

Break the 20th level law.

Incredibly fast growth.

Possesses numerous combat skills.

In addition to that, a skill that raises the stats of a large number of players… … .

“He’s a person you need to embrace.”

“That’s right. We believe that if we bring them into our own country, we will be able to not only increase the defense ability of legendary monsters in our country, but also quickly raise the level of our players.”“What is the probability of success in recruitment?”

“It’s pretty underrated. We have no regrets about money, and our position within the Korean Players Association is high.”

“Well, unless the Korean government is all about nerds, there’s no way the Korean government can neglect to treat Choi Hyunseong.”

“I think it is good to approach slowly and build friendships. In addition, the relationship between Korea and Korea is quite friendly, so I think that it can be used as a mercenary whenever necessary.”

At the CIA director’s words, President Wilson gasped and burst into laughter.

He said it was friendly, but to be honest, it is almost impossible for South Korea to reject the US request.


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