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level 1 player novel novel Chapter 63

Chapter 63 scout

-Yes? What did you just say?

Shin Yoon-ah’s voice filled with embarrassment rang in Hyunseong’s ears.

“I asked if you would like to join the guild I will establish.”

– Hyunseong is making a guild?

“Yes, I plan to.”

Shin Yoon-ah was amazing.

The reason she called Shin Yoona was to prevent Hyunseong from breaking the contract with the Players Association.

She did, but she was offered a scout for the role.

This is equivalent to telling her to leave the Players’ Association.

She-She has no intention of leaving the former Players Association.

“Is it because of patriotism?”

At Hyunseong’s question, Shin Yoona pondered for a moment.

There wasn’t even that.

However, her presence was greater than that of the inspectors, including the president of the Association, Kang Seon-young, with whom she had a close relationship.

She also had a strong sense of ownership of the organization she grew up with over a long period of time, the Players’ Association.

For her to leave the Players’ Association, for Shin Yoona, it was like abandoning her home and family.

– Not necessarily for that reason. I appreciate her words, but I can’t leave her companions alone. She doesn’t want to see the Players Association go down like this.

“Then you can all come to me.”

– What do you mean?

“Bring all of her colleagues along. I hope that the president of the Association, Kang Seon-young, will also come.”

– I can see what Hyunseong is thinking. But she has no intention of abandoning a single player from the former Players’ Association.

“Then we can bring all the players directly from the association.”

– It’s not as easy as it sounds.

Gather all players belonging to the player association to form a new guild.

That’s a good word.

There is no need to part with colleagues who have eaten together for a long time, and nothing has changed except for the change of affiliation from the government agency, the Players Association, to a private organization, the Guild.

However… … .

– It’s practically impossible. Do you know how many players are directly affiliated with the association? Excluding those on compulsory service, there are over 5,000.

The number of players in Korea is about 100,000.

Although the North Korean region collapsed and the number of players increased, it still did not exceed 140,000.

5,000 is by no means a small number.

It was impossible to move 5,000 players with one accord, and even if they did, it was impossible for a large corporation to give them the same treatment as the Players Association.There was only one organization that could contract with as many as 5,000 players at a time and pay huge down payment and salaries.

The size of the gigantic guilds run by large companies was about 450 people in 50 parties.

-The reason the huge guilds that fly and run in Korea are under the control of large companies is because of the huge initial cost.

Creating a small and medium-sized guild of several dozen to 100 people consumes a huge initial cost.

But suddenly, 5,000 players gather to form a guild?


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