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level 1 player novel novel Chapter 71

Chapter 71 grow your skills

Hyunseong and Shin Yuna entered the headquarters of the Immortal Guild.

I just wanted to go home right away.

But because of the reporters following Hyunseong, he couldn’t go home.

“You really did a great job.”

As soon as we entered the guild headquarters building, guild leader Kang Seon-young greeted Hyunseong with a smile.

Guild leader Kang Seon-young was astonished to pass out when he saw the real-time streaming broadcast broadcast in Japan.

She knew that Hyunseong was strong.

She was also aware of the rapid growth rate.

But she didn’t know it would be this fast.

Hyunseong’s performance in the Orc Warchief Raid and Orc Shaman Raid is enough to make your mouth wide open.

However, this time, without the help of other players, he wiped out all of the hero-grade monsters, including legendary-grade monsters.

Guild leader Kang Seon-young had no choice but to acknowledge the wisdom of investors who trusted only Hyunseong and invested a huge amount of 30 trillion stone dollars.

Currently, investment offers from around the world are coming in to the Immortal Guild.

Dollar, stone dollar, yen, yuan, euro, etc.

She clamored for money from all over the world.

When converted into Korean won, the funds received through the investment proposal amounted to over 100 trillion won.

Of course, as the offer came in as a stabbing method, I had to include some imaginary numbers.

However, even taking that into account, the fact that it was a huge amount of money did not change.

Guild leader Kang Seon-young rejected them all.

Regarding the operation of the guild funds, we had to follow Hyunseong’s will.

Even if Hyunseong left it to autonomy, he had no intention of receiving the investment.

It was because the financial situation was not difficult enough that he had to receive the investment.

“Did you feel comfortable running the guild?”

“of course. Well, the reporters are a little annoying, but we have to bear that.”

Hyunseong talked with guild leader Kang Seon-young about what happened in Japan.

After a brief explanation of the circumstances, the problem of the operation of the Immortal Guild appeared.

“We have received a lot of offers to invest in the Immortal Guild.”

“Reject everything.”

If something comes, something must go.


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