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level 1 player novel novel Chapter 83

Chapter 83 Partnership with Guest

“What do you want from me, Guest?”

Bulletin Pitt has already finished preparing to integrate local area network with the system.

It is in a state where it can be commercialized without Hyunseong’s help.

But why did you find Hyunseong?

And why did you take out the card called partnership?

For Hyunseong, there was no choice but to raise doubts.

“The server you gave me can’t handle all the players who can access the system, right? Also, if you do not sell diesel fuel or fix the error of the server, you will end up destroying yourself.”

The guest was definitely out of the ordinary.

It was possible only with the help of experts Hyunseong was able to catch errors while operating and maintaining the free server.

Those experts are at the level where Hyunseong lives.

“I want you to take on the role of running the server. I will only help you to integrate it with the system. The two of us are working together. We want to split the profits we get from this in half.”

At the words of the guest, Hyunseong’s head was spinning.

‘Monthly subscription, cash item, random draw, enhancement item.’

There were plenty of ways to suck players’ points.

‘Partnership is essential.’

Without Guest, it is impossible to connect the game server and system once.

another one.

Hyunseong didn’t have the points to afford the huge upfront cost.

However… … .

‘Even so, 5 to 5 doesn’t make sense.’

It was absolutely unacceptable to put a bridge in the middle and eat half of the profits.

“Gespit, in the world I live in, there is such a thing as the cost of source technology. Originally, the cost was… … .”

Hyunseong gave explanations one after another.

There is only one point.

It was the importance of the original technology.

“okay? So, what percentage do you want?”

At the guest’s question, Hyunseong vigorously opened her mouth.

“It’s eight to two.”

“Of course, you’re eight and I’m two, right?”


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