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Lie To Me novel Chapter 12

The word run won’t be enough to describe what I did earlier in the coffee shop, because I literally ran out of the shop.

Shame almost engulfed me because I caught the attention of everyone inside the shop earlier, even those outside and in and out and looked on as well.

The shop crew also chased me for my order but I ignored that. I just ran straight to the parking lot and got into my car.

I was still panting but I didn't take long and immediately started my car's engine. I maneuvered it and drove away, fast as I could.

"Fuck! What are you doing here?" I asked myself hysterically.

I immediately snatched my cell phone from my bag and dialed Reysa's number.

Three rings before she answered.

"You better make sure this call is important or else, Jiana. I'm in the middle of something!" She answered.

"Reysa!" All I could say.

And maybe she sensed the tension on my voice. I heard the crack of his every step and the closing of the door.

It’s Sunday and I don’t know what important thing he’s doing.

"Why? Did something happen?" She asked.

"God! He is here!" I said. I'm still letting go of some cheap ones.

"Watch your mouth, Jianna! Who are you taking abou—Holy God! He's there?" She shouted now, realizing whom I meant.

I couldn't answer and it's still very cheap. My hand was shaking so I parked my car on the side of the road first.

"That stupid. That's why he resigned from the Power Plant." She said.

My eyes widen.


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