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Lie To Me novel Chapter 28

Memories came crashing as we approached the island. My heart beats wildly and my breathing becomes hard; the breeze was cold but I was sweating.

I closed my eyes harshly and tried hard to even my breathing.

Breathe, Jia. Breathe. I mentally told myself.

I know I can do this; I have to do this. I won’t let an old wound scare me forever, I must overcome this fear.

"You can say here for the meantime. You can go swimming first or whatever you want while we are preparing for the lunch. Just please be safe and if ever something happens, call us immediately." Kuya Roy briefed us when reached the shore of the camp site.

We just listened more to their orientation and when they gave us the go signal, everyone cheered on excitement.

"Give me your hand, Ma'am." Kuya Ben asked. It was waiting for me at the outside the boat, supporting everyone that going down the boat.

I reached out my hand and nodded. He smiled at me.

"Are you sure you're okay, Ma'am?" He asked. "Your hands are cold."

"I’m fine, Kuya. It’s just the breeze and I touched the water earlier." I reasoned.

He just nodded and didn't comment.

"You can leave your belongings in the mess hall while we fix the tents." Kuya Roy.

"We'll just call you when it's done and the food is ready." He added.


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