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Little Cute Wife novel Chapter 79

Louis pursed his lips and gazed at her blushed cheek with his sharp eyes.

Her cheek looked pink and tender which made him really want to have a bite. Suddenly, he felt his heart was pounding fast at that moment.

“But why those are only architectural sketches? You told me that you were drawing a picture of me... Where is it?” Jessica opened her eyes wide and tried to find it out.

However, she didn’t see any picture of her at all!

When she flipped through the last pictures, he pointed at the screen coolly and Jessica looked at where he was pointing, she found that in a drawing with a tall building, there was a pathetic dog lying on the corner of the screen...

She was wide-eyed!

“A dog?”

She couldn’t believe what she saw so that she zoomed into the image and had a careful look at it again.

It was indeed a poor dog that was lying on the ground feeling so wronged!

Jessica was in a rage suddenly.

“Louis Carter... What do you mean?”

But Louis raised his lips and looked so composed, “what do you think?”

“Damn it!” She threw the Sketchpad back to him angrily and chimed, “I’ve squatted under the burning sun for four hours! And I’ve got sunburn! But you just drew such an ugly dog? You even drew a bone in its mouth!”

All of a sudden, the good and touching feeling towards him all vanished because of that ugly dog he drew!

She was staring at him as furious as a lion.

However, he was still deadpan and put back the Sketchpad into the backpack.

Then he pulled her up from the chair and ignored her glaring eyes.

He lay down and occupied the entire deck chair.

“Louis Carter!” Jessica was punching his chest, “you are such an asshole! Where are your manner?”

Louis snorted and then pulled her towards him.

Jessica fell into his arms and lay on his body.

Suddenly, the atmosphere was erotic...

She could feel that people around were peeking at them.

“Asshole! Lecher! Let go of me!” She was so embarrassed.

Louis snorted and placed his legs around hers and his arms around her back. He looked down at her and grinned, “Why? You just lured me and seemed like that you are going to pay me back with a sex. But why you are so nervous now?”

“Louis Carter, you went too far!”

She admitted that when she was in great danger, he saved her out like an angel. Any woman would be touched by that.

However, after four hours’ exposure under such a scorching sun, he drew her as a dog!

How couldn’t she be angry?

The dog he drew was like a basin of cold water which had woken her up completely and stopped her daydreaming.

She almost opened up to him and showed her true feeling deep in her mind to him without hiding it.

But, he saw her as a dog!

A dog that would obey what its owner said!

There seemed like a cut in her heart.

It seemed that she finally awoke from her dreams and saw through the facts. Her eyes turned darker.

“Asshole, piss off!” Jessica was angry and struggled to get rid of him.

Louis took a breath and wrapped his arms around her and threatened her in a low voice, “stop moving, and don’t challenge my patience.”

She felt the coldness from her fingers.

“Louis Carter! You asshole! What do you think I am...?”

She punched and kicked him like a little lion but Louis could avoid each move of her.

They were in silence for a while but Jessica was still under his control.

Louis was a bit annoyed and he growled in a low voice, “What do you think you are?”

Jessica was breathless and sneered, “a dog! You think I am a dog and a toy, don’t you?”

He frowned but didn’t reply.

She thought he admitted.

She felt her heart was broken into pieces.

Jessica sneered bitterly.

The scene of a family of them which got in her mind was just her fantasy!

She almost indulged in his tenderness and she nearly misunderstood that she was the one he loved and spoiled. She almost...

Everything was just her fantasy!

He was Louis Carter, the one who was always cruel and cool...

Everything was back to the starting point.

They were not on speaking terms when they were back from the Mediterranean Gold Coast.

The next day, they flew back to Chicago.

Keith was waiting for them when they landed off.

Louis was emotionless and got in the car. Jessica was holding her baggage and waited for a cab outside the airport.

“Miss Wilson, don’t you get in the car?” Keith found something was wrong and asked her carefully.

Jessica didn’t reply.

After three seconds, Louis who looked as cold as ice and blurted out impatiently, “just go!”


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