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Living With My Lady Boss by Blue Silver novel Chapter 260

Wilbur then hurled the blood clot into the Dragon’s Altar. A surge of aura arose, and the blood clot turned into grace points at


Wilbur smiled at the sight of the three hundred new grace points in the golden hourglass.

He traded this for a Marrow Cleansing Pill and a Strongwill Pill There were not many grace points left after that.

Wilbur sighed. There were so many treasures, but grace points were so hard to come by. Every time he had any to add he felt like what he got in return was always so little.

He let out a self–deprecating laugh at this.

If the contributions to the altar were so easy to come by and the grace points could be exchanged that easily, Wilbur would be ruling the world in no time. Good things never come easy.

Exiting the demiplane, Wilbur collected his thoughts and went to bed. He had something big to do the next day.

The next morning, Wilbur got ready and came out of his room to see Charles waiting for him.

“Is something the matter?” Wilbur asked. Charles was just the head of management here and was usually at the front desk. He hardly ever came to Wilbur for anything else.

Charles said at once, “Apologies, sir. A few people tried entering the place by force just now. I didn’t physically stop them so I wouldn’t cause you any trouble. What would you like to do with them?

“Who are these people?”

“I don’t know, I asked them, and they told me they don’t know you either.”

“Why would they want to come inside?”

“They said this was public property and insisted on coming in to have some fun. I told them the place was privately owned now, but they refused to listen.”

Wilbur pondered briefly. “If that’s the case, tell them nicely to leave at once. It’s not appropriate for them to be here.”

Wilbur did not really think that a few tourists would be a big deal.

It was just that there were all kinds of people who were now living on the island.

If any of these intruders were to run into people like Elsa and try to act tough, they were going to have a hard time.

Charles nodded and turned to leave.

Wilbur went to his office after that. Of course, Ryder was already there.


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