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Living With My Lady Boss by Blue Silver novel Chapter 268


Chapter 268 

The three of them had shown their powers at the same time. Constantine shouted, It’s an honor to work with the both of you! I’ll be going first.” 

He soared into the air after that, lifting his arms. A scorching ray of holy flame shot in Suelyn’s direction with immense power

At the same time, Eileen cried out as she gripped her two swords, crouching low before she charged toward Suelyn as well

That was Eileen’s special move, the Armor of Blades

Wilbur wielded his thunder cleaver and prepared to join the battle. Yet all of a sudden, the Sea of Blood rippled and no less than fifty monsters appeared out of nowhere, charging in their direction

These monsters were similar to wolves, but they were the size of a calf. With bodies made of raw bloody flesh, they bared their fangs at the trio

The Blood Wolves charged, heading for the three cultivatorsbacks

Watch our backs!Eileen shouted, continuing to charge at Suelyn

Wilbur had no choice but to turn around, fighting the Blood Wolves on his own

Just then, Constantine’s holy light had reached Suelyn 

Suelyn merely stuck her arm out to draw a circle in front of her. A blood shield appeared at once

The skeletons in the blood shield screeched and howled as though they were trying to break out of the shield

The next second, the blood shield had blocked off Constantine’s holy light completely

Right on cue, Eileen had made her way next to Suelyn. Her swords spun and slashed at Suelyn’s torso multiple times

Suelyn let out a loud cry, the bloody spirit energy in her exploding and turning into a blood monster

A pair of raw, fleshy wings sprouted from her back as she grew in size to around three meters tall. A gigantic bloody sword appeared in her grasp as her entire being lit up with a bloody spirit flame. She then went into a fierce battle against Eileen

Suelyn’s blood shield was far stronger than Jeremy’s. It was able to teleport from one place to another, deflecting each of Constantine’s holy lights

Suelyn, in her new blood demon form, was not letting up against Eileen in the slightest as well. The two of them dueled viciously, and the overall battle was tense

Over on Wilbur’s end, he had already taken down over a dozen Blood Wolves with his thunder cleaver

The Blood Wolves did not seem to fear death or pain at all. They pounced and snarled even after being chopped in half, continuing their onslaught until they were completely dead

Wilbur, however, was highly trained and skilled in combat to near godlike levels

It was near impossible for the naked eye to make out Wilbur’s figure for more than a second, and his thunder cleaver only aided in his massacre

The Blood Wolves could not hurt Wilbur in the slightest, dying under his attacks one by one

Yet slowly, Wilbur realized the wolves would turn into a puddle of blood once they were dead, seeping 


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