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Lock You In My Heart novel Chapter 785

Chapter 785 Calm Before Storm

Well, Gabrielle wasn't a fool, nor anyone who was present here.

Therefore, they all knew that Cowan was defending for the reputation of his family so that they wouldn't blame him.

As long as they knew what Cowan was doing, they would be fine.

In a calm voice, Cowan said, "Of course, I won't let you down. This will be a memorable trip that you will never forget."

In fact, he was secretly implying something. This trip would definitely be a trip that Westley, Gabrielle and the others wouldn't

forget. However, he didn't say whether it would be a good trip or not. After all, the things that would happen after they entered

the woods weren't his business at all.

As if he couldn't wait to go hunting, Alexis said with a smile, "We are really looking forward to it. Thank you, Mr. Schmidt, this

trip is going to be a special one."

"Well, let's have lunch first. After that, we'll take a rest and then set off." Seeing the expectant looks on their faces, Cowan was

satisfied. a

Actually, this was exactly what he wanted. The more expectant they were about the trip, the more hurtful they would feel when

they found out about his real plan.

When they finished having lunch, they went back to their rooms that Cowan had prepared for them.

Since they would be in the woods for three days and four nights or maybe even longer, they needed a room to rest.

Cowan was surprised to see that everyone retumed back to the living room once they finished checking their rooms. With wide

eyes, Cowan asked, "Aren't you guys going to take a rest in your rooms first?"

Alexis took a look at his watch before saying, "We have plenty of time to take a rest in the evening. It's already one o'clock. So,

when are we going to set out, Mr. Schmidt?" ;

Looking at them, Cowan raised his eyebrows and asked, "Actually, we will set out at two o'clock. You guys know how to use

shotguns, nght?"

“Of course." In fact, Cowan didn't need to worry about that at all as it wasn't their first time to hunt in winter. Therefore, all of

them were very proficient in using shotguns. oo

Looking at Cowan with a grim smile, Alexis said, "But Mr. Schmidt, it usually gets dark soon in winter, maybe before six. If we

set out only at two o'clock, don't you think it's easy to get lost in the woods when the night falls?"

Hearing his words, Cowan was stunned for a moment before he composed himself and smiled.

Showing them the temporary camp locations on his tablet, Cowan said calmly, "Yes, Mr. Williams. That's exactly what I wanted

to tell you next. As you know, this is just a temporary camp site in the snow forest. So, if you get separated from the group or run

into some kind of accident, you can go to the nearest camp. You don't have to worry about danger because we have supplies

there.” :

Nodding his head, Alexis requested, "Well, it seems that it's safe here. Can you please send the map to us later, Mr. Schmidt?"

Looking each and every one of them, Cowan reminded, "Sure, I will send you the map of the whole forest later. Once we enter the

woods, please be careful and stay close so that you won't get lost."

In a calm voice, Alexis said, "Of course." Even though he didn't like Cowan, he had been looking forward to this winter hunting.

In fact, he might be the second most exciting person here beside Gabrielle.

Chapter 785 1


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