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Lost in Mr. Preston's Temptation novel Chapter 36


As soon as Baxter heard the words ‘small dark room,’ he got goosebumps, “No, brother, I was wrong, okay? Who will take care of Clara when I’m gone?”

“Preston Village has a lot of servants. You don’t need to take care of her!”


Seeing that Donny was in a bad temper and seeming like he was going to severely punish Baxter, Clara quickly said, “Baxter is not entirely to blame for this incident, our opponent is just too cunning. It’s enough for you to scold him.”

If Baxter hadn’t hacked into Ruby’s phone and found those things, how could she have retaliated against that dog and his bitch?

No matter what, she should be thanking Baxter.

After listening to Clara, Donny’s face softened a little bit, He fixed his gaze on Baxter and then said, “Aren’t you going to thank her?”

“Thank you for saving my life.” Baxter wiped the sweat off his forehead, “Otherwise you would only see my corpse coming out of the small dark room.”

Clara couldn’t help but laugh at his teasing.

After chatting for a while, Clara seeing that it was late, let them go to bed. She herself went upstairs.

It seemed that she was overthinking things.

Not long after Clara had returned to her room, Donny came upstairs and entered Ethan’s room.

“Sir.”, After entering the master bedroom, he saw Ethan sitting quietly in front of the window. Donny walked over and reported to him what he had just talked about with Clara.

“I lied to madam, and she believed it...”

After a pause, Donny continued reporting, “While investigating the explosion, I retrieved the surveillance footage from a roadside store. Not long after madam and Baxter enter the hotel, one of Ms. Clayton’s bodyguards stood next to the car...”

Hearing this, Ethan’s cold eyes narrowed, “Have you taken care of the surveillance footage?”

“I took care of it after I had finished looking through it.” Donny said, “Sir, you’re always thinking about how matters affect Ms. Clayton; however, Ms. Clayton is getting more and more extreme......”

Ethan looked down at the phone in his hand.

If it weren’t for the fact that he happened to have a business meeting at the Follen Hotel, or that he had immediately thrown himself over Clara during the incident, Clara could have really died.

After a moment of silence, he turned on his phone and skillfully pressed a string of numbers.

But before he could make the call, he received a phone call. The caller just happened to be the number he had been about to dial.

Donny looked at the caller and tactfully took a few steps back.

Ethan stared at the vibrating phone for a long time, and then finally answered it, putting it to his ear, “What’s the matter?”

“Oh Ethan, I’m so afraid......” The woman’s crying voice came through the phone delicate and pitiful, “I just had a dream that you didn’t want me anymore......”

Ethan had wanted to reprimand her, but his words of reprimand vanished as soon as he heard her cry.

“It was only a nightmare,” The man coaxed her in a deep voice, and his indifferent expression became much gentler, “Don’t think too much about it.”

“Was it a dream? But it felt so real... “ The woman choked with emotion and even begged him, “Ethan, can you come and keep me company? I’m so scared... “

“I will call the maid and tell her to accompany you.”

“I don’t want a servant; I want you to come over and accompany me.” The woman didn’t give in, and suddenly cried out in pain, “Ethan, the baby is kicking me...... do you think the baby doesn’t want me......”


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