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Lost in Mr. Preston's Temptation novel Chapter 62


Sharon gritted her teeth. Unwillingly she went into the restaurant, and into the bathroom to change to into the bikini.

It’s not that she didn’t want to run away, but the restaurant only had the main entrance. If she wanted to go to the kitchen, she would have to pass the lobby, and would be noticed by Baxter right away.

After dawdling for a long time, Sharon finally walked out of the restaurant.

“Why aren’t you dancing? “ Seeing Sharon standing there motionless, Baxter continued, “There’s no music, right? Come on, let me play some for you! “

Having said that, Baxter turned on a portable speaker and set it to play a hot pop song.

Sharon looked at the surrounding people watching her. The people in the restaurant were also looking out and watching. It was so embarrassing.

She smiled stiffly at Clara.

“Clara, do you really want to do this?” Sharon gritted her teeth. Her attitude was completely different from yesterday’s. Her arrogance had been partly replaced by humility, “We will be colleagues in the future... “

Clara heard her, but she just said with a cold tone, “Dance, Ms. Dobson”

If she had lost, Sharon wouldn’t have taken pity on her.

In the midst of the hoots and jeers, Sharon resentfully danced. However, as soon as she found that Baxter was taking a video, she hurriedly turned her head away.

“Sharon, don’t hide! “ Baxter shouted, “The loser not only has to dance, but also needs someone to record the video, so they can pin it to their twitter for a week. There’s no one to record a video for you, right? So, I have come to help! “

Hearing Baxter words, Sharon was absolutely furious and bit down hard on her lower lip.

She would remember today’s humiliation!

While a bunch of people had gathered around the entrance to the restaurant watching Sharon dance, a black Maserati drove slowly on the road.

The woman in the back seat poked her head out and looked at the group of people.

The woman had been taken good care of. Her face had no wrinkles and was smooth lacking any blemish.

However, her eyes showed a depth that had accumulated with age. One could see that she wasn’t young anymore. A beauty mark next to her left eye balanced her sharp features.

The woman squinted slightly and stared at the slender figure in the crowd. “Has Clara Rowan divorced Steve Lane?”

“They divorced a month ago.”

The driver knew that the woman had been busy and didn’t know what had happened in J city, so he took the initiative to report to her:

“Clara Rowan was caught by Steve Lane in a hotel with a man, and was forced to divorce, leaving with nothing. Her company was also seized by Steve Lane, and finally her grandma also died...”

“Is that so?” The woman seemed to recall something, and her eyes gradually turned cold.

“There is something else you need to know about this.” The driver glanced at the woman in the rearview mirror and said, “The man who met with Clara Rowan at the hotel was Mr. Preston. “

“Oh?” The woman was interested. “What happened?”

“Grandma Preston set up a trap, but it was found out by Mr. Preston, he then changed rooms...” The driver’s face became a bit strange. “Mr. Preston seems to be interested in Clara Rowan. Not long ago he went with her to the city hall to get a marriage certificate.”

The woman became a little more interested at these words, “It seems like it will be lively at home from now on.”

“Don’t go to the hotel, go to my family. “ The woman changed her mind.

“Yes, Ma’am”

As the car passed in front of the lively restaurant scene, the woman glanced at the crowd again before withdrawing her gaze, “Go and help me with something...”

The car had just left when a Mercedes drove past.

The Mercedes stopped by the road, and a middle-aged man dressed in a well ironed suit got out from the back seat. He carried a bouquet of rare black roses in his arms and walked towards the crowd.

“Wow, what beautiful black roses!”


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