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Love Aint Always Pretty novel Chapter 13

Jīngyì (驚異)

Translation: wonderstruck

Origin: Chinese (Tradition)


I scowl in frustration.

I lost the Rock Paper Scissors game. Now they have to go first. Damn it.

"If I can't shoot it right, don't kill me." I said under my breath.

"If I get too drunk, don't let me in your room again." He said.

I chuckled softly and he gazed at me over his shoulder. "What's inside these cups anyways?"

"Gin and tonic."

Whoa wait. We're actually having a conversation right now. We were actually talking so gently and no voices yelling or any other stuff. Wow.

"Will they get me drunk?" I asked.

"If you're a first timer then yes."

I gulped.

"I'm glad you came tonight though." He said out of the blue but he didn't look at me when he said it.

I pulled my head up to him right after he told me those words. I wanted to ask him why he said that. I wanted to ask him why he wants me to be here tonight. I wanted to thank him and hug him for getting back my coin from Baxter in a brutal way. But I just smiled at myself.

"Let's start!" The announcer said.

Oh god.

I feel my heart pounding very hard and my hands getting even colder right when he said that we were about to start. I just wish I won't get totally wasted and won't get totally freaky. I've never been drunk.

"You wanna go first or not?" Nick asked while he handed me the pingpong ball.

"You go first." I said.

"We haven't had our dare just yet." Penny said out of the blue.

"Oh right. Here, pick from this magic fishbowl." The announcer handed it to Penny while she fished her hand into the sheets of folded papers inside.

God I just wish it won't be dreadful.

Penny starts opening the small piece of paper and she smiles right away when she read it. Finally she showed it to everyone, "Losers will run around the frat house entirely naked."

The entire crowd started howling and cheering after they heard it. I looked over Tracy and she quickly looked scared for me and most especially for Nick. I was shocked. I know Nick was surprised about it too. I can't run around this place naked. I have my goddamn dignity with me.

I can't lose.

I can't lose.

"What have I gotten myself into?" I muffled softly.

"This is exciting." Penny smiles.

Nick groans softly.

"Let the game begin." The announcer said while grinning at me. I think he knows I'm most definitely to lose.

Troy was the first one to throw across our cups and it was a miss! I jumped. Penny stared at him angrily and he quickly said he was sorry about it.

"Go Nick." I cheered for him.

Nick lets the pingpong ball jump from the table carefully slow and it landed right inside the first cup. I squealed happily, Penny gets to drink it since she was the one who didn't play a while ago.

"Your turn." Nick says.

"I just wanna say I'm sorry in advance, okay." I said.

"Just relax. It's just a game." He told me.

"Yeah this is just a game but I don't want these tons of people to see me naked." I said as I exhaled.

I tried to aim for the next nearest cup but then it jumped off to the side and landed out of the table. Penny laughs.

Damn it. "Sorry." I said.

"It's okay. Don't rush." Nick says.

He's supposed to be mad at me cos I missed the shot, but he said it's okay. It's okay? What's wrong with you Nick?

"Nice shot." Penny said sarcastically with a grin.

"I hate her." I growled whisperingly.

Nick laughed deeply on his throat.

Penny aims for the farthest cup and she aimed it. It shot right into the glass. She's good at this! The men were cheering for her and she loves it. Nick grabs the cup and drank it all up. It was finally Troy's turn, he aims for the nearest cup just like what Nick did and it jumped inside.

Damn it. We're definitely going to lose. I reached for the cup and drank it all up but I almost spilled half of it cos the burning sensation on my throat was killing me. When I finished it, I feel like I want to vomit it out right away. I made little soft gawking noises.

The game went on again and Penny missed a shot, Nick shot the ping pong balls to their cup and I think I was the only one on this table that didn't know how to play it. When it was my turn I feel like the pressure was on me because I suck and I'm sure if we'll lose, Nick will kill me, but not literally maybe. I take a grip on the ball and just threw it across the table.

I gasped.

It landed inside. "Yes!" I cheered.

The crowd cheered with me too. Well, at least they're a bit supportive and Tracy was screaming with me. Penny had to drink it and I was just smiling evilly at her. It was Nick's turn again and hell yes it got inside one cup. When it was my turn to play, it was a miss. I thought it was actually starting for my luck but I guess I was wrong.

As the game continues and I've had five cups already and I feel my world was starting to spin. I think Penny was starting to get tipsy too. She's been starting to set nosy. We were going to win if only Nick had to play but sadly I had to be the one to take the last shot. Each sides only had one cup left on the table which means if I'll miss this shot and they'll take the next one, that means we're going to run around the house naked. Oh god I feel like I'm going to throw up now.

"You can do it." Nick says.

I exhaled heavily.

"Please go in. Please go in." I said to be pingpong ball.

I threw the ball across the table and covered my eyes right away when it left my hand. The crowd starting yelling but I didn't want to look at it.

"You won!!" I pulled my hands away as I hear Tracy screaming.

I yelled. "Oh my god!"

I turned to Nick and he was so happy we won. I wanted to snap a photo of him smiling right now. Please, someone take a photo of him while he's still smiling. "We won Nick! We won!"

Out of the excitement overflowing in me and being carried away by the momentum that is happening, I surprisingly hugged him. I hugged Nick.




"You did great." I feel him whispering to my ears. His warm breath on my ear is making my hormones fight.

I quickly pulled myself away I recovered myself from the hug we did. I initiated the hug.

"Sorry. I was just carried away." I said.


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