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Love Aint Always Pretty novel Chapter 20


Translation: infatuation

Origin: Lithuanian



I missed my first class today but it was alright cos it was worth it anyways and I'm still not over the fact that I just allowed myself to let Nick have sex with me as much as he and I wants to. My brother will kill me if he'll know about this and I'm doing it with a frat guy. I haven't seen Nick around the campus too after he dropped me and Tracy off the dorm a while ago.

My mind was floating the whole day. I was thinking about Nick and when we will be finally doing it. I was physically present in my classes but I was mentally absent cos I'm imagining Nick and how kissed me that night. I could still feel his lips and I always smile at myself when I remember how it tasted. He was such a great kisser.

I walked out of my class and I was thankful that the day was over. I'm tired and I haven't had enough sleep cos we left too early a while ago. The only problem I have right now is I need to borrow a book at the library for my research but I can't borrow a book cos my library card is suspended.

Damn it.

Why did I ever forget to return that novel back before its due date?

I decided to go to the library anyways and to take down notes instead. While I was on my way, I saw Billy and he hurriedly ran to me. He smiled at me while he was fixing his backpack then his eyeglasses. "Hi."

"Oh you got a new set of glasses." I said.

"Yeah. The old one was broken during the initiation." He answered.

I smiled at him. "It looks good on you."

"Thanks. So, I was thinking. How about you and...." He trailed off.

I stared at him eagerly but he was more focused on looking at someone from behind me. Billy didn't continue his sentence anymore and looked nervous right away. I couldn't tell who he was looking at, maybe it's some group of frat men from afar.

"Billy? What were you about to say?" I ask.

"I... uhhh... well, I'll talk to you later Savannah! I forgot something." He waves at me then runs away from me.

That was weird.

I turned around to continue walking but I jumped back when I saw a very tall entity blocking my way. I pulled my head up and found Nick. It was Nick. His facial beard first caught my attention and then my heart raced right away when I stared at his lips then running up to his intensely blue eyes. He was also looking down at me and I just can't read him even though I've already kissed those lips.

"Hey." He speaks.

"Hey." I smiled tight-lipped.

Now Im wondering if he was the one who Billy was looking at a while ago.

"Going somewhere?" he asked.

For the first time he's asking me where I am heading to. God, I should kiss his lips more often so he'll be a little concerned for me.

"Library. Need to write down my research for this book in English." I said.

I feel the both of us starting to walk together now. Slowly. Tiny little baby steps. For some reason we were walking as if we were waiting for the other to take a step. We were in synch while walking and I don't know why he's walking with me but he didn't talk to me anymore.

"We have weird conversations." I snorted.

I watch him while he pulls his head down and smiled. "We do have weird conversations."

I slightly smiled.

"Tracy told me to pick you up cos she wants you to join dinner with us again tonight." He added.

"Oh." As far as I remember, Tracy doesn't know my class schedule. I never told her about it and she never asked for it too.

"Are you stalking my class schedule?" I teasingly asked him and I think he was embarrassed. Or maybe not.

He didnt meet my gaze and he was just looking far ahead. Sometimes I wish Nick was like water, so I can see him clearly. I can know his flow. I can see him being transparent to me so I could understand him. I wanna understand him. I know he is hiding something.

And Nick being embarrassed is really gonna be something to look forward to.

"So I asked for your schedule at the office cos little Tracy doesnt know it." He defended himself.

"Right." I smirk.

We went quiet again. His hands were inside his pockets and my books were close to my chest as I hold it around my arms. His long legs compared to mine were taking bigger leaps than I could do so I have to catch up with him so we're aligned when we're walking together.

"I just need to go to the library first then I'll catch up with you guys." I said.

I glanced at him and he was looking right at me. Holy Christ those eyes.

"Tell Tracy that I'll--"

"I'll go with you. We still have time." He gazed at his watch.

I literally just forgot what I was about to say to him. I gazed at Nick and he was also looking at me, examining my face. The space in between me and Nick after that kiss, changed. The way he's treating me is already different. The way I feel when he is around is already different too. Or maybe Im just putting something on everything he is doing just cos we kissed.

I dont know but I like it now.

"I promised Tracy to show up later with you." He clarified.

"But what if I'll take long on the library?"

"I'll wait for you."

"I still need to look for that book though."

He groans. "I'll help you look for that goddamn book then."

Don't smile Savannah.

Don't smile.

Don't smile.

When we reached the library, I think everyone was shocked to see Nick entering the place. I thought it wasn't a big deal that he's around here, but then I knew he wasn't a library visitor cos people were whispering to each other as we pass by some tables. Or maybe it was their first time to see Nick with a girl aside from Tracy.

"Do you have a valid library card?" I asked him.

"Nope." He answered.

Sigh. This is hopeless.

I quickly looked for that classic book that I need to study for an oral examination this Thursday. I notice that Nick was also looking for the books on other the shelves and how serious he is in helping me.

Don't put meaning on it Savannah.

I continued looking for that classic novel which was assigned to me. I'm not really a classic reader so I really need to study for it. From shelf to shelf I've searched. But I just couldn't find it. I wanted to ask the librarian about the book I'm looking for but then she looks mad to be disturbed right now. I looked around, looking for Nick and he was already on the opposite shelf to my right, squatting down while looking for it.

It was a little sweet gesture to think he's cold and moody and a jerk and... no. He's not a jerk. He's like a cold blooded animal.

I focused myself once again on looking for the novel. I think it's already a very classical book that it's no longer found here. There were also some great books that caught my attention which took almost all of my time. More books made me totally forget that I'm here for that classic novel. All of a sudden, Nick was gone. I couldn't find him anywhere close by around the shelves where the classic novels are. But then I saw him walking over to where the slutty late twenty aged assistant librarian and he started talking to her. She quickly entertained him and was all smiling while batting her eyes at him. But the last time I was here, she's so pissed at me for disturbing her.

I continued looking for the novel anyways since it looks like he's busy with her. I kept moving to another shelf but my mind was still thinking about Nick and that assistant librarian talking so casually to each other like that. Until I noticed that I was already on the last shelf of books inside the library. I was alone here and it's pretty damn cold here too since the air condition was just right across the other edge. I still kept looking for it on this last shelf, hoping that the book is here. I mean it's the last shelf and if it's not here, then I need to go to another bigger library.

"Hey. Didn't thought you'll reach here."

I pulled my head up and it was Nick walking up to me. I looked over the shelf again. "Yeah."

"Found it yet?" He asked.


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