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Love Aint Always Pretty novel Chapter 82


- wandering alone



Coming to England and living in England wasn't really what I had plan in life. Yes, I wanted to come here, a visit or two maybe but spending a life here isn't what I had in mind. I didn't want to just be a household wife. I wanted to work for my own and earn my own living but Damon doesn't allow me to. I want to receive money so at least I can save up when me and Damon are going to have a divorce in a future's time. Though I'm sure he doesn't want it but I know it'll happen someday.

The fact that he doesn't want me to work anymore cos he wants to show me that he can give me everything I want and he doesn't want to stress me out cos of the baby and our future babies isn't right for my part at all. My mom told me that the husband doesn't need to be the knelt one who's working.

Though it's true that Damon is the one managing their new company expansion here in England and he receives even bigger amount of salary, Im still bugged about why he doesn't want me to work. Maybe because he wants to secure me that I'm not seeing any other guy while I'm at work. I know how jealousy Damon can be at times, yeah he has his days.

Honestly we haven't talked about naming the baby yet. He's so busy with his paperworks and when he comes home, it's either late, I'm already asleep or he's drunk as hell. I don't really ask about it though Damon doesn't really drink much but when we got here in England, he has been such a drinker.

Since he partly grew up here in England, he had some good old friends who were drinkers, as he says, and they'd get together when they have time. But he makes sure that there's no women on their table to make sure I won't feel jealous. Oh Damon, go and have fun. I won't mind it anyways.

As for me, I either go shopping for some clothes or some baby stuff if I'm bored at home. The mansion is too huge for just the two of us. My driver who's personally hired by Damon, Mr. John, is a fifty year old divorced man. He talks about his lost first love and how he's still hoping they would be together. I like him, cos we sort of have the same love story. The part where he's still hoping they'd end up together, I know he knows how it feels what I feel right now. I'm most definitely sure.

So far my five-month stay here in London is pure of lavish. I get to have what I want cos Damon gives it to me. When I'm bored he tells my driver and the maids to come with me for shopping. It's like he's guarding me all the time which is really pathetic.

I stare at myself standing in front of the mirror wearing a yellow preggy dress while my bump is showing as I stand on my right. I place my hand over my bump and started rubbing it gently.

"Oh! You kicked." I giggled as I keep on rubbing my bump.

Whenever my baby girl kicks, I get even more excited to see her personally, to carry her on my arms, to kiss her and give her hugs and to just play with her. My baby girl, I wonder who she's going to look like. Of course, I'm sure she's going to be similarly the same with her father. Nick Wilde. Or maybe have my blond hair and my nose, lips or maybe Nick's winter blue eyes.

Though I can't tell Damon about the fact that Nick is the father to this child yet, at least I've already confirmed it who's the father. It had to be Nick's.

"Where do you want to go today Mrs. Patricks?" Mr. John asked me as he opens the back door of the car.

"The usual Mr. John." I say.

The second we arrived at the mall, I walked my way to my favorite coffee shop, I have been coming here every single morning for their hot white milk drink sprinkled with chocolate and mallows on top. I sat down on the table all alone while Mr. John was busy parking the car.


I quickly pulled my head up when I heard that voice. I turned my head around to find Aries coming to my table. He smiled and I quickly pulled myself up to hug him. He wrapped my arms around me and kissed my cheek.

"I feel your tummy." he laughs.

I joined him laughing and we pulled ourselves away from each other.

"Look at you angel, still a beauty. Damn that guy, he's so lucky to marry you." He says to me.

"And you're still a Casanova. Such a smooth talker."

"A Casanova who never made you fall in love with me. Sometimes I wonder why you're not like those girls that I have dated who are crazy about me."

I smiled. "You know I love you right?"

He nods.

"I don't wanna lose such great friend Aries. You've been there for me all these years and that means a lot more than anything." I added.

He holds my hand with a huge smile on his face. He gently kissed my cheek and squeezed my hand. "You know I'm always here for you."

I smiled.

"I really missed you angel." He says.

"I know you did." I smirked.

Both of us sat down and he takes a good look at my stomach. "Wow." He compliments me while taking a look at it. "Damon's?" He asked.

I took a deep breath in. He just stared at me and we grew quiet.

"Nick's?" He arched an eyebrow.

I pressed my lips together and both of us went silent again.

"You don't gotta answer that. I think I know who's the father." He says.

My brows creasing.

"That's gotta be me. Isn't it?" He joked and I laughed softly.

"You're still silly."

He smirked. "Wonder why you didn't fall for me. We could've been happy now. Married and have two kids."

I bursted into a laughter. "I doubt that Aries. You're such a womanizer. We might have been married now and I'm sure you're already busy with your other women."

He laughs softly with his head pulled back. "Oh angel. You don't trust me. I'm loyal to you."

"I do trust you. That's why you're one of my good friends."

He puts his hand over his heart and shuts his eyes. "Friendzone."

I smiled.

"What are you doing here in England? I didn't know you're here." He takes a sip from his black coffee.

"We... moved here." I say.

Aries' eyes dilated. "Moved? For good?"

I nod. "Damon wanted to live here since his work's in England."

He nods vaguely.

The waiter finally served my drink and both of us decided to take a walk around the mall. He puts his hands inside his pockets and seeing Aries without a baseball cap on us unusual. I mean, when we were in college he used to wear one a lot of times. I mean like most of the times.

"Angel?" He calls out.


"Are you happy?"

I stared at him. "What do you mean?"

"With Damon. Are you happy with Damon? And I'm sure that was his idea of moving here." He asked specifically.

I bite my lip hand stared at the drink on my hand.

"Yeah." I say.

I took a deep breath in. "I'm happy."

"You don't sound like it." He hooks his arm around me.

I smiled at him while we continued walking together while his arm was still around me. I don't really mind Aries being touchy to me or being sweet because he's been incredibly nice to me. Though he doesn't know about what happened to me and Nick in the past, a part of me still adores Aries.

"Aries, please. I'm happy with what I have with Damon. I'm happy with my life now. I'm having a baby." I tell him.


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