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Love at the Wrong Table (Emmanuel Lowe and Mackenzie) novel Chapter 86

Chapter 86

Mackenzie called Beatrix to have dinner together that night.

To put it more accurately, it was for a drink rather than dinner.


The establishment they were at was one of the Quillen family’s

businesses. They used to frequent the place for dinner, but it was their first

since Mackenzie had gotten married.

“Is there something on your mind, Mackenzie? Why are you drinking so


Beatrix didn’t notice something was going on with Mackenzie at first

because the latter was good at hiding her feelings and thoughts.

In other words, Mackenzie never let anything bother her.

After she gulped down the eighth glass of alcohol that night, Beatrix finally

realized something was wrong and that Mackenzie was trying to get

herself drunk.

“I’m fine. It’s just the cold weather. I’m having some alcohol to fend off the

chills,” Mackenzie explained.

This is a problem and a big one at that!

Beatrix knew Mackenzie never cared to explain anything. Thus when

Mackenzie intentionally found an excuse to have alcohol, it simply proved

she was instinctively trying to play it off.

“Mackenzie, did Emmanuel do something bad again?”

Beatrix didn’t dare to imply that Emmanuel could bully Mackenzie. After all,

no living creature on the planet could harass her cousin.

“Hmph! When has he ever done anything good?” Mackenzie spat coldly.

The Emmanuel she knew was an idiot. He would be troubled over a bit of

money and never realized who was the one on his side helping him. He

didn’t even know who she was and kept talking back to her.

“Now, that’s where you’re wrong, Mackenzie.”

Beatrix objected, “He dealt with the thugs at the project site and settled the logo issue. He even saved you once. I think he’s pretty awesome!”

Mackenzie was stunned as Beatrix listed down everything Emmanuel had


Actually, she didn’t know why she had a stuffy feeling in her chest for the

whole night. Comprehension finally dawned upon her when Beatrix

pointed it out.

Am I feeling like this because of that idiot’s words? No way! How is that

possible? I’m Mackenzie Quillen! I don’t get upset over some man’s words.

“Whatever! Let’s not talk about that idiot anymore! Drink!”

Mackenzie forced Beatrix to down another glass of liquor.

Being the sharp-witted person she was, Beatrix secretly emptied the


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