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Love Began with the First Meeting novel Chapter 109

Swallowing hard, Molly picked up her purse from the floor and walked out of the room. She didn't feel the pain all over her body until now. Walking in the hallway silently and slowly, She was so tired that she didn't notice someone was watching her behind in the dark.

Molly took out her cell phone and texted Eric, pretending that she didn't know that he stood outside the room earlier and saying that she had gone home early because she wasn't feeling very well.

A stiff smile slowly appeared on Eric's face when he read Molly's message. He felt the needles sticking in his heart again, and wondered whether he had crossed the line this time. Anyhow, he didn't have any problem with Molly. This was an unresolved problem between Brian and him. Long before both their parents got married, both Eric's father and Brian's father had fallen in love with the same woman, Brian's mother. But somehow along the way, Eric's father had had to give her up. Eric thought that it might have been the reason why he wanted to disrupt what Brian and Molly were doing in the lounge, but it had nothing to do with Molly.

Brian and Wing left after Brian had found her waiting in the banquet hall. But before that, Brian and Eric had looked at each other for a second without saying anything, and they seemed to have sent each other a message through it.

Meanwhile, Eric sent back a text to Molly, saying that it was okay. Then, he walked out of the manor as well and drove home alone.

He knew that Molly wouldn't want to see him right now. Perhaps, they would run into each other tomorrow, but Eric knew that Molly would try to keep her dignity tonight.

Laughing at himself, Eric couldn't believe that he would consider her feelings.

He pressed the accelerator until the engine screamed as he tried to leave everything behind him. Soon after, his car disappeared in the dark of the night.

In the garden of the manor, Molly was curling herself up on a bench. All she wanted to do now was sit there alone quietly. She knew that she had to go straight back to Brian's villa after she left, but the mere thought of it sent shivers throughout her body.

Pursing her lips, Molly felt miserable and sorry for herself. She couldn't believe that she let herself feel a surge of desire for him. She also felt sad that she wasn't strong enough to resist and say no.

"Why are you here alone?"

Said a low elegant voice all of a sudden. That voice and the man's scent were familiar to Molly. Raising her head, she found Edgar standing in front of her with his hands in his pockets.

He walked to Molly and sat next to her. Looking at her hollow eyes, he took off his coat and put it on her. Just then, he saw the marks on her neck partly hidden by the shawl.

"I, I need to go home now," said Molly suddenly, as she was afraid that Edgar might see what she was hiding underneath the shawl. She took off his coat, placed it on the bench, and turned around, panicking.


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