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Love beyond the mask (Whitney) novel Chapter 134

Chapter 134 

Castor searched the conference room for ages, looking for a USB plug, but found nothing

Just then, the door burst open, and in stormed a middleaged socialite, her designer purse clutched like a shield. Her eyes locked onto the giant screen that displayed a video of Castor and two young women doing it. Redfaced with fury, she charged onto the podium. Castor! You scoundrel! Cheating on me?” 

Honey, I swear I didn’t!Castor’s head spun around, and seeing his wife crash the company meeting turned his face pale as a ghost

You didn’t, huh? The video was sent to my phone! You came from humble beginnings, and marrying me got you where you are today. Now you think I’m too old, and you’ve been up to no good with that Elaine, haven’t you? I’ll teach you a lesson!And with that, she launched herself at Castor, fists flying

After taking a few hits, Castor could not take it anymore. He slapped her across the face, You crazy woman! Isn’t my reputation ruined enough for you?” 

Meanwhile, Whitney had already slipped out to the front of the United Realty Corporation building. Smirking, Harper said, “The conference room’s a madhouse. Castor’s fatherinlaw is a minor shareholder, so he always tiptoes around his wife. Now that he hit his wife, this is going to be a disaster for him! The staff are having a field day, secretly filming and sharing the drama in the company chat.” 

Whitney nodded. Send me everything. The real show starts tomorrow morning.” 

Harper looked at her in awe, giving a thumbs up behind her back

In the parking lot, Tiana poked her head out of her car window. Perfect timing with Castor’s wife, huh?” 

Thanks for hacking his computer and sending the video to his wife,Whitney said with a grin

Just following orders. Looks like even with Elaine gone, her lackeys are here to hassle you!” 

Whitney’s eyes narrowed, her gaze icy. She had not forgotten Elaine’s words that morning

Elaine undoubtedly orchestrated Castor’s antics from afar. Without Elaine’s backing, he would not dare be so bold

These insiders had to be dealt with, or Whitney’s stay at United Realty would be fraught with peril

But this was L’s company. Stirring trouble under his nose… 

Did he know what she had done

Feeling slightly guilty about disrupting the meeting, Whitney pulled out her phone to call L. 



Chapter 134 

The man did not pick up, probably busy during the business trip

Whitney breathed a sigh of relief, got into the car, and Tiana suggested, Valerie’s free. How about the three of us grab a drink?” 

The trio ended up at a pub

Tiana raised her glass, teasing Whitney, Cheers to our Whitney, the new Vice President of United Realty Corporation, with Skye Gem in her grasp, too. A true wealthy lady. I’ll be living off you from now on!” 

Whitney rolled her eyes at her friend

Valerie lifted her glass, her usually stoic face softening just a bit. Whitney, I’m thankful for your part in Elaine’s departure from Banyan City. I understand what you did for me.” 

Whitney looked at Valerie’s melancholic expression. Have you and Ashton been 

misunderstanding each other? Now that Elaine is gone, maybe it’s time to open your hearts to each other.” 

Valerie gave a bitter smile. She had always been open with Ashton, yet he had stomped all over her heart

Easier said than done.” 

Well, you still need to keep a close eye on your husband. Elaine’s still pulling strings in the shadows. Today, her cronies targeted Whitney at United Realty. She’s eager to return!” 

She won’t get the chance.Whitney’s grip on her glass tightened. Her covert battle with Elaine would come to a head tomorrow

Just then, a refined and deep voice interrupted from a nearby table. Ms. Valentine?” 

Whitney turned, slightly surprised, Mr. Lutz?” 

Bryce surveyed her porcelain face and then glanced at the two women beside her, his voice smooth. Can I borrow a moment for a workrelated matter?” 

Whitney suspected she knew what this was about, but there was no avoiding it now

She reluctantly stepped aside with him

Bryce ordered a drink from the bar, sipping lightly as he turned to Whitney, his brooding gaze softening with a hint of resignation. I didn’t expect you to cancel the gemstone supply contract with the Lutz Group. I understand the cancellation, but you didn’t even show up to sign off. Did my confession scare you that much?” 

Whitney detected a mix of accusation and disappointment in his tone

He had saved her in the hospital, and she had only compensated him with medical bills, without offering personal care, then briskly terminated the contract

She fidgeted with her hair, feeling outmatched by the mature man before her, and apologized

Chapter 134 

Mr. Lutz, that was not my intention. It’s just that my partner prefers that I avoid any appearance of conflict.” 

But there’s nothing between us. He’s quite possessive, isn’t he?Bryce shook his head, gazing intensely at her before continuing, Such a relationship can be suffocating. I know my confession came too late, and your heart belongs to another, but my feelings for you are my 


Whitney was taken aback by the depth of emotion in his eyes

Had she really left such a deep impression on Bryce since she was 20? But she could not reciprocate; all she could offer was a polite response. Mr. Lutz, I’m grateful for your kindness. If you ever need my assistance, don’t hesitate to ask. My friends are waiting, so I must excuse myself.” 

Bryce sighed. We can still be friends, right?” 

Of course.” 

Watching the girl return to her seat, Bryce’s eyes narrowed slightly

As Whitney returned to her seat, Tiana nudged her playfully, teasing, Was Mr. Lutz talking business or personal matters with you?” 

Before Whitney could reply, her phone rang

It was Simon. Whitney’s brows furrowed, and after a brief pause, she answered

Simon’s voice was frantic and tinged with anger. “Whitney, what do you think you’re doing? Where are you? We need to talk now!” 


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