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Love beyond the mask (Whitney) novel Chapter 156

Chapter 156 

Tears streamed down Whitney’s cheeks as she numbly slid the engagement ring onto her ring finger, only to jerk it off as if it burned her skin

Over and over, she repeated the torturous ritual until her finger bled, but she could not feel the pain; the pain in her heart was much more immense 

Whitney?A deep, mellow voice called from outside the door, accompanied by a gentle knocking

Startled, she clasped a trembling hand over her mouth to stifle her sobs

Is the baby okay?” He asked with concern

Biting her lip. Whitney shook her head, remaining silent 

Why are you locking yourself in there? Is that ring bothering you that much? Are you so against accepting me because of Elaine?He rested his weight against the door, his heavy frame almost causing it to creak

Inside, Whitney vigorously shook her head, it was not about Elaine; it was something else entirely

He sighed, his voice turning cold, a chill that seemed to echo the death of his hope

After a while, he walked away

Clutching the ring to her chest, Whitney collapsed against the door. If she told him everything, what would he do to Uncle Keegan

In the end, he would probably throw her into the abyss alongside him. After all, she had unwittingly been complicit in hurting him twice

Whitney did not know how long she stayed in the bathroom, staring at her ghostly reflection, her face as pale as a specter

Natalie knocked on the door, her voice laced with worry. Whitney, are you still feeling unwell? I’m about to call the family doctor” 

I’m fine, MomWhitney quickly stood, splashing her face with cold water to reduce the swelling around her eyes before hastily opening the door

Natalie looked at her daughterinlaw’s swollen belly and lovingly stroked it. Little baby is being so good.Whitney’s gaze flickered to the empty dining table, her voice barely above a whisper, Did he leave?” 

Natalie shook her head, gesturing towards the living room. When you locked yourself in the bathroom with that ring and wouldn’t answer him, he started drinking. He’s been sick since yesterday, you know. Three bottles of red wine in, and now he’s practically comatose.” 

Whitney saw the slumped silhouette on the couch, his brow furrowed in distress

The crisis at United Realty Corporation had been enough to trouble him, but her behavior had only added to his gloom

Whitney, dearNatalie led her to the dining table to talk, looking at her closely. I might be forgetful, but I’m not blind. I see the love you have for him. Are you rejecting his proposal because of his difficult nature?” 

No, Mom, it’s not that” 

Natalie glanced at her son with a pained expression. You don’t know what he’s been through. He has a halfbrother from his father’s side who was always the golden boy. I was ill, so I couldn’t stand up for him. He was often mistreated by his stepmother, going hungry, and locked in the basement

A wealthy heir with nothing to his name, he once stole money for my medication and got beaten by the servants publicly, even taken to the police. He was just eight years old when he developed mental issues and was constantly irritable, and his father had him committed to a psychiatric ward for two years

Chapter 156 

When he came out, he was different, cold. I blame myself; my illness made his life miserable. But he fought hard, stood his ground, and outshone all the other family members, earning his father’s respect

I’ve watched him struggle every step of the way. My memory may fail me sometimes, but I vividly remember his hardships.” 

Whitney felt a twinge in her heart, she had heard whispers about the Lippert family patriarch favoring the younger son, but she had not realized how much Ludwik had suffered

Seeing her lost in thought, Natalie patted her hand and said, Don’t be afraid. I’m telling you this so you can understand why he’s so easily angry. But that’s all in the past, and he’s healthy now. He never let the darkness. of his childhood affect his business dealings. Whitney, your man has integrity. His nobility is in his bones, and he’s worthy of you

If he were a man who would use any means necessary to reach his goal, he would not just be the tycoon he is today but even more powerful.” 

Natalie smiled reassuringly

Whitney was taken aback. Natalie, of course, knew her son best, and she said he had integrity and was not the type to use any means necessary to reach his goal

Yesterday, he had refused to take advantage of Braxton, willingly giving up a lucrative deal. His principles and restraint had struck her

Such a uniquely noble man, had he truly been so villainous when he started from nothing, seizing the Tennyson family’s assets

Whitney questioned herself silently

Her nerves taut, she asked, Mom, in all his years in business, has he ever done anything reprehensible?” 

Never. Even at his lowest, he got through it with honesty.” 

Natalie stated confidently, pride shining in her eyes, So, Whitney, you can’t give up on him.” 

She led Whitney to the sofa, her voice heavy with emotion, If there’s anyone he truly despises and hates, it’s his brother who took everything from him. Despite my detachment from worldly matters, I’ve heard people praise your beauty and intelligence. You should stand by his side; don’t let him fight alone anymore.” 

Natalie placed Whitney’s hand gently on the man’s shoulder

Sensing her touch, Ludwik gripped it tightly. His drunken eyes, clouded with alcohol, seemed to swallow her whole

Whitneyhe mumbled in his drunken stupor, I’m sick; did you know?” 

His voice was hoarse, breaking her heart, his features flushed with fever

Whitney could no longer bear it. She touched his forehead, which was burning up

Taryn could not stand to see him suffer and urged, He’s fallen severely ill and refuses to take his medicine. Please, Madam, tell him to go upstairs to rest.” 

Whitney followed Taryn’s advice with a heavy heart, helping him to the bedroom

In the bedroom, the tall man collapsed onto the bed

Whitney placed a thermometer under his arm, but he squirmed, his brow furrowed in discomfort, exhaling hot, fevered breaths as if he could scorch the air

Whitney sighed and looked down at him, his face uncovered due to their struggle, revealing his strikingly handsome features


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