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Love beyond the mask (Whitney) novel Chapter 37

Chapter 37 

Natalie brimmed with confidence. Don’t worry, I’m a diehard fan of romance novels. The push and pull of love, the fiery passion, the golden rule, they may spar in the living room, but they reconcile in the bedroom. I know how to set up a whirlwind romance better than anyone.” 

Taryn could not help but think that the super fan, Natalle’s confidence might be a bit misplaced

in the room, a tall man stood by the bed, where a soft bundle lay, breathing out a sweet warmth

She preferred to sleep on her stomach, he had noticed. Her curves arched invitingly, delicate hands softly curled in her inky hair, her fair face tinged with a rosy flush

She was undeniably beautiful, pure, and delicate, yet utterly captivating

His breathing grew heavy, and he could not help but loosen his tie. Beneath his fine shirt, his muscles tensed ever so slightly

There was no computer in the room. Was she not supposed to be here to work on her designs? The man lay beside her, pulling her into his arms. This was the first time for them to share a bed. Before, there had only been a distance between them, a formality as they sat on the sofa in the bedroom. To his surprise, his hand brushed something soft the tail attached to her pajamas. Her hat even had little 


Lifting the blanket, his gaze darkened as he saw what she was wearing. What was she implying with this? A fire ignited in his chest, spreading through his limbs

Something was not right

His Adam’s apple bobbed as he suddenly remembered the soup Taryn had given him. How sharp he was, instantly suspecting who might be behind this trickery

His head throbbed, desire heating his eyes as he leaned down to capture her lips in a kiss, gentle at first, then deepening… 

Whitney woke up to the kiss, her breath stifling as she pushed against a solid wall.‘ 

Gaining clarity, she opened her wide eyes to see a shadowy figure above her. Who are you?” 

It’s me,the man murmured with a low, husky laugh

L.. What are you doing?Whitney realized the nature of his kiss and suddenly remembered the woman on the phone and the woman in his car. Her face cooled as she pushed him away

Thinking she was startled, the man gripped her delicate wrist, his voice low and teasing, You invite me to this kind of hotel, dressed like that. What do you think I’m going to do, Madam?” 

What are you talking about? It was you who asked me to bring you something. Never mind that now, get up!” 

What if I say no?He pressed down on her

Whitney felt stifled, noting his body’s unusual heat and strength in his muscles

What’s the matter with you?” 

Touch my forehead,” he asked, lifting her soft hand

She did, and it was alarmingly hot

He propped himself on his elbow, his eyes smoldering, The old lady tricked me into drinking that soup

I had drinks before, which only made things worse. What should we do now, Madam?” 

140 * Phones 10 Hink of amethingshe said seriously 

West jesen something 

asked encircling her waist with his arm, his head nuzeling her shoulder 

are ne a math he murmured referring to their child 

14: dewe ames Whitney realized what he was implying and rebuked him sharply 


Na custed naughts, thaven rights as your husband Il carry you to the bathroom, okay?” 

Heat a sack Why’s angered hand landed on his jaw 

edut. Nis face turning stern. Do you even know what you’re doing, Madam?” 

ses voce was cold haughty and low 

ney stared at his perfect profile, her anger like a tiny universe exploding. And do you know what you’re A Coveting drunk and dragging me here, blaming some soup your mother gave you. I must say, wwe quite an engetic man. Hevent you just resting in another woman’s room yesterday afternoon?” 

What are you talking about? His anger made him look terrifying

No face shappened his presence overwhelming

mney caped curling her hands into tiny fists, afraid to move

ex eyes were cold, his handsome face tired from working straight from the previous morning to now. Seeing her dressed like this, he naturally assumed… 


This ungrateful little thing, what was she playing at

Without allowing for argument, he scooped her up and sat her on the couch

tes large hand lifted her chin, kissing her again, his voice rough with seduction, The marriage contract is clear. You need to fulfill your duties. Consider it doing me a favor, okay?” 

Whitney dodged his advances, her mind spinning with questions about the woman on the phone

He could do as he pleased outside, without explaining to her, and then come back and flirt, using the contract to pressure her 

He was truly despicable

Her breath cooled, she pushed his solid body away and snapped, If you need help, go find another woman! I’m not here for your amusement, Mr. L!” 

What did you say?He suddenly released her, gripping her hands

Whitney looked up, her voice laced with sarcasm, Girlfriends, lovers, you’ve got plenty, right? With your money, do you think you can trample over someone’s life? I only sold you a year of my womb, not myself. After a year, we go our separate ways. I have the right to refuse you, Mr. L. If it’s just that one thing on your mind, don’t bother me, plenty of women will satisfy you.” 

The room fell into an eerie silence


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