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Love beyond the mask (Whitney) novel Chapter 377

Elaine felt a chill settle in her heart. Instead of fighting it, she decided to play along to keep him by her side for a little longer. Tears of sorrow streamed down her cheeks as she pushed away the lavish gifts. "Ludwik, it's you I love, not these things. I don't want any of them! All I ask is for you to visit me while I'm healing. That would be enough for me. Moreover, the media's attacks on me and the Bartels family have been too much. I worry about my parents. Could we, perhaps, keep our breakup a secret for now, not make it public? Could you do that for me, please?"

Ludwik, seeing that she agreed to the breakup without causing a scene, closed his eyes, masking his irritation. "We can announce the wedding's cancellation once you're better. But visiting you daily is unnecessary. I don't want to give you, or anyone else, false hope. Your well-being is your responsibility, not mine. I can't keep bearing the burden of your mistakes. I remember your kindness, but as I've said before, it can't withstand this much strain. Think it over."

Elaine clenched her fists, tears shimmering in her eyes with a bleak sadness. "I understand... Ludwik, could you stay with me tonight, just for one last time?"

Ludwik took a seat by her with cold detachment. He left the hospital the next morning. Throughout the night, Lyra took care of Elaine. Ludwik didn't approach her, but Elaine managed to snap a few pictures of him in her room. As soon as those photos hit the socialite group chat, Endora was the first to jump in, congratulating her, "Elaine, are you and Mr. Lippert back together?"

One by one, other socialites chimed in with their probes, compliments, and well-wishes. Somehow, the news spread throughout Banyan City. Elaine's phone buzzed non-stop all day. The very socialites who had mocked her behind her back were now sucking up to her, offering their warm regards. Elaine couldn't have been prouder. She dared not involve the paparazzi like before, but as long as Ludwik's breakup remained a secret, the public would be left in the dark. Using Endora's blabbermouth to leak the photos to the media wasn't out of the question. Who would dare to criticize her then?

She would still be the most esteemed soon-to-be Mrs. Lippert. Elaine had her strategy all figured out. By stepping back, she'd drawn him in closer. And with Whitney trying to stir trouble, Elaine wasn't worried. She'd find a way to slowly dismantle their relationship. Touching the light scars on her thighs and wrists, she sarcastically praised Lyra, "You did well with the blood bags last night. The hospital's doctors aren't half bad either."

Lyra smiled eagerly. "Elaine, that Whitney bitch still thinks she can mess with us. She doesn't realize how much Mr. Lippert cares for you. Just get hurt, and he'll feel guilty about your lone kidney..."

Elaine shot her a glare, and Lyra shut up, but Elaine smiled secretly. This secret would never be discovered. Because Natalie was bound to die soon. And that guilt would linger, always for Elaine to exploit...

"What?" At that moment, outside the hospital room, Ludwik's middle-aged maid was on the phone, talking animatedly with other staff back at the Everwood Villa Estate. "Are you serious? The housekeeper, the old lady really woke up? From her vegetative state?!"

Inside, hearing the maid's voice, both Elaine and Lyra were struck dumb. Elaine's heart skipped a beat, as if she hadn't heard correctly. A chill ran down her spine, and she abruptly sat up. "Lyra..."

Her teeth chattered, her face paled considerably, frantic. "Lyra, go and listen carefully, what exactly did she say!"

A panic surged from the soles of her feet, piercing Elaine's skin. She couldn't believe it...


Ludwik was in his office, picking up his phone and putting it down repeatedly, knowing well there wouldn't be any news from that woman. He wanted to say something, but his heart felt cold and heavy, unable to make the call. The entire office building sensed Mr. Lippert's gloom...

When the phone rang again, it was from the mansion's landline. Ludwik thought it was just another routine call. But upon answering, he abruptly stood up, his movement so swift he knocked over his coffee cup.

"Mr. Lippert… Are you alright?" Felix asked nervously, fearing something was wrong.

Ludwik's breath was unsteady, his gaze scattered for a moment before it intensified. He tried to maintain a calm voice. "My mother has woken up."

"What?" Felix was stunned, as if he couldn't digest this bolt from the blue. "The old lady... she!"

Chapter 377 1


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